OH Senate Hopeful Bernie Moreno Sat on Board of Charity That Donated Millions to Planned Parenthood

AP Photo/Joe Maiorana

U.S. Senate candidate Bernie Moreno sat on a board of a charity that donated millions to Planned Parenthood, according to an analysis first reported by the Buckeye Reporter


Moreno, who had no prior political experience when he entered the race to unseat radical Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown, claims to be pro-life, but it turns out that he sat on the board of a foundation that donated millions to Planned Parenthood, the largest baby-killing operation in the United States.

PJ Media reviewed 990 forms for the years Moreno sat on the board (2014-April 2020). The Cleveland Foundation did indeed donate millions to Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio, the Center for Reproductive Rights, and the Equality Ohio Education Fund, along with other groups that should raise eyebrows for conservatives, including the ACLU of Ohio, a number of climate alarmist organizations, and the J Street Education Fund. The foundation, which issues hundreds of grants every year, donated to conservative causes as well. 

The Buckeye Reporter story claimed that Moreno voted on all the donations. However, a spokeswoman for his campaign told PJ Media, "Unequivocally, Bernie never voted for any of the grants mentioned." 

She called the story a "disgusting lie" from opponent Frank LaRose's campaign, adding, "Board members do not get voting power over grant decisions in a donor-advised fund."


That may very well be the case, yet Moreno didn't seem to have a problem being on the board of an organization that was giving money hand-over-fist to Planned Parenthood and other left-wing operations. The right thing to do for a convictional conservative would have been to resign on principle rather than be a part of the foundation that was doling out these grants.

LaRose spokesman Ben Kindel told PJ Media, "Bernie Moreno is a fraud who caved to his woke corporate elite buddies. He sat on the board of a foundation for six years as they funneled money into dangerous liberal woke pet projects without his protest. He’s either an ineffective pushover or a liar — neither of which would make a good senator."

I do wonder how much research former President Trump did into Moreno's background before endorsing him in the primary. One hopes this won't turn out to be another Mehmet Oz debacle like we saw in the midterms in Pennsylvania. You'll recall that Oz, a TV doctor, lost to John Fetterman, who was barely coherent following a stroke, by five points. I understand that Trump likes to surround himself with people with star power and/or a lot of money, but those individuals don't always make the best candidates, as we saw in multiple races in the midterms. 


Moreno's spokeswoman referred to LaRose as a lifelong politician, which isn't exactly true. He served nearly as much time in the 101st Airborne Division of the Army as he has in politics—eventually becoming a Green Beret and earning a Bronze Star for his service.

One thing I do know is that incumbent Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown, a true lifelong politician, has never lost a race, and he's proven impossible to topple thus far despite being a left-wing radical in a very red state. It's going to take more than charm and money to beat him. LaRose, Ohio's current secretary of state, who has also never lost a race (and won them all by a large margin), may be the only candidate in the race who can win an election that Republicans cannot afford to lose. 


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