Cubans Swarm Streets to Demand '¡Freedom!' and '¡Libertad!' but Biden Admin Claims They Really Want COVID Shots. It Gets Dumber From There...

AP Photo/Eliana Aponte

Thousands of Cubans are marching for ¡Libertad! on the streets of Havana, but the Biden administration is working overtime to reframe the calls for freedom as alls for COVID shots.


The Biden State Department apparently has been taking its cues from The New York Times, which claimed that Cubans were shouting “freedom” and “other anti-government slogans,” but administration officials are taking it even further … and dumber.

Acting Assistant Secretary for the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs – try putting that on a business card – Julie Chung chimed in with a tweet about how Cubans are taking to the streets in “peaceful protests” while exercising “their right to peaceful assembly” over COVID.

Peaceful protests are growing in #Cuba as the Cuban people exercise their right to peaceful assembly to express concern about rising COVID cases/deaths & medicine shortages. We commend the numerous efforts of the Cuban people mobilizing donations to help neighbors in need.

It’s hard to know where to begin, but that lady with the huge title on her business card apparently doesn’t realize that swarms of people are on the streets are, in fact, there because they don’t have a First Amendment “right to peaceful assembly” and redress grievances.


Related: The Morning Briefing: Cubans’ Desire for Freedom Confuses American Commies

Cuba doesn’t have a First Amendment because it’s run by tyrannical commies who don’t like the free exchange of ideas, you know, like Facebook, Google, Canada, the Left, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris.

Here’s the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It’s adorable that the grown-up woman who works for the State Department doesn’t know that.

Not only does she get the country wrong, but she also gets the words wrong.  Julie, it’s “peaceably assemble.

Considering that protesters are overturning police cars while yelling “Down with Communism!” and the regime’s police are beating the protesters, neither word appears to apply, either.

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And redressing grievances is out, El Jefe is busy.

But the Biden administration believes that the beatings will continue until Cuban COVID goes away or something. Which brings us to the world’s most fantastical health care system.

We were assured by none other than that great arbiter of health care, the man who singularly embodies the essence of health care, Michael Moore, that Cuba’s health care system is the best in the world.


“If it’s one thing they do right, it’s healthcare in Cuba,” said the shock-doc maker.

So if Michael Moore is right – heh – there shouldn’t be a problem with the island prison’s COVID response, right? It can’t be any worse than Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo putting sick patients in the nursing homes and killing Grandma, could it?

The Miami Herald reports that the COVID response is on the list of grievances that current dictator Miguel Díaz-Canel doesn’t want to hear about, but it’s not the chief one by the protesters.

In an unprecedented display of anger and frustration, thousands of people took to the streets Sunday in cities and towns across Cuba, including Havana, to call for the end of the decades-old dictatorship and demand food and vaccines, as shortages of basic necessities have reached crisis proportions and COVID-19 cases have soared.

From the Malecón, Havana’s famous seawall near the old city, to small towns in Artemisa province and Palma Soriano, the second-largest city in Santiago de Cuba province, videos live-streamed on Facebook showed thousands of people walking and riding bikes and motorcycles along streets while chanting “Freedom!” “Down with Communism!” and “Patria y Vida” –– Homeland and Life — which has become a battle cry among activists after a viral music video turned the revolutionary slogan “Homeland or Death” on its head. [emphasis added]


Biden stayed quiet about the unrest in Cuba over the weekend. He was napping or something.

Related: BREAKING: Biden Breaks His Silence on Cuba Protests

But on Monday, he issued a statement calling on the communist regime to “hear” the people’s voices screaming for “freedom and relief from” … COVID.

We stand with the Cuban people and their clarion call for freedom and relief from the tragic grip of the pandemic and from the decades of repression and economic suffering to which they have been subjected by Cuba’s authoritarian regime.

Oh, so that must be what the marchers meant when they cried “down with communism!” and “freedom!”


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