Rudy 'Can Prove' the Bidens and a 'Bunch of Democrats' Engaged in Ukraine Money-Laundering 'Scam'

(AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes, File)

Rudy Giuliani says he “can prove” that the Biden family and a “bunch of Democrats” engaged in a money-laundering scheme and that the evidence is “with the right hands now.” He wouldn’t say who those people are, but it’s possible it’s the Department of Justice.


Guiliani called the money-laundering operation a seven-year-long “big Democratic scam.”

Waving his iPad full of “smoking gun” documents, the former U.S. attorney, New York mayor, and President Trump’s personal attorney told Fox Business Network’s “Trish Regan: Primetime” that there was a huge  influx of cash, $7.5 billion, given to “an institution run by former Obama aides.”

He quoted from Latvian documents given to Ukraine alleging that the junior Biden received $14.6 million, “laundered” through four banks and given to Hunter Biden “disguised as loans.”

Trish Regan: So you think that people were actually on the take?

Guiliani: I don’t think it, I can prove it. … This is what you call a smoking gun, money laundering case.”

Giuliani said his visit to Ukraine “three weeks ago,” the first visit in two years, was to interview Viktor Shokin, the government official Joe Biden got fired in his infamous on-camera quid pro quo. He said Shokin has been poisoned with massive doses of mercury. He claimed that “they were literally trying to kill me” too.


He said he didn’t “dig up dirt” on Joe Biden, “We were given dirt – no, no we weren’t given dirt we were given crimes by Joe Biden… and it was six months before he was even a candidate!”

He promises to reveal all soon. Giuliani’s been pounding away at the evidence he’s amassed which “totally vindicates” President Trump and has promised to present it on his new podcast.

Watch his interview with Trish Regan for yourself here:


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