Biden to Propose $37 Billion to Fight the Violent Crime His Policies Helped Create

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

It’s an election year and that means having to put up with politicians offering all kinds of “solutions” for problems that either don’t exist or can’t be solved in the first place.


Joe Biden will travel to Wilkes-Barre, Penn., today to tell voters that the violent crime wave torching American cities isn’t his fault, and besides, he wants to spend $37 billion to fix it.

It’s being dubbed an “anti-crime bill” when it truly should be called the “We Democrats were totally wrong about defunding the police” bill.

The White House says that $13 billion of that money would go toward hiring 100,000 police officers. (That noise you hear is the sound of black activists’ heads exploding.) That number is probably close to the number of law enforcement jobs cut during the “defund the police” movement that no Democrat ever, ever, ever supported if you listen to them.

But wait! There’s more!

Fox News:

Senior Biden administration officials outlined parts of Biden’s proposal ahead of the formal announcement. They said his plan will also include $3 billion to help clear court backlogs and resolve cases involving murders and guns. The president also wants to use $15 billion to create a grant program that would fund ideas for preventing violent crime or creating a public health response to nonviolent incidents, aimed at reducing the burden on law enforcement.

The remaining $5 billion would support programs intended to stop violence before it occurs.

Biden’s proposal comes as Republicans are trying to gain leverage in November’s midterm elections by portraying Democrats as unwilling to confront crime.

“Tomorrow you will hear President Biden drive a clear contrast with congressional Republicans,” a senior Biden administration official told Fox News. “You will hear him outline how he and Congressional Democrats have funded the police and taken action to fight crime.”


That White House aide spilled the beans. Biden doesn’t really want 100,000 more police officers on the street. He wants to negate the “defund the police” charge that Republicans murdered Democrats with in 2020.

For our VIPs: Biden Really Wants Us to Forget He Used to Support Defunding the Police

As far as the rest of the anti-crime passage, $15 billion in grants to “fund ideas for preventing violent crime or creating a public health response to nonviolent incidents”? Fifteen billion dollars is a lot of money when you’re talking about “funding ideas.” You can bet a lot of that money is going down a rabbit hole where other great “ideas” have disappeared.

It’s far too late for Congress to pass a crime bill that could impact the 2022 midterms. But Republicans are looking to make violent crime an issue in 2024. By then, Democrats will have suffered total amnesia about defunding the police and most other “reforms” they enacted to make life easier for violent criminals.


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