Mexico's Vicente Fox Bashes Trump: 'You're Not Fighting Fake News, You're Creating Them'

Former Mexican President Mexico Vicente Fox gives an interview at the "Fox Center," an academic facility focused on free enterprise in San Cristobal, Mexico, Wednesday, March 9, 2016. Fox said that a Donald Trump presidency could lead Mexico and the U.S. to a trade war that would hurt both countries. (AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo)

Vicente Fox Quesada is a former Mexican president. As such, you’d think that he’d use Twitter — where he’s very active — first and foremost to comment on Mexican affairs and to give the current administration some desperately needed advice.


Not so much. You see, Vicente has an obsession. It’s called “Donald Trump.”

Time and again, Fox criticizes Trump. He responds to the American president’s tweets, to his statements in interviews, and attacks him even when Trump doesn’t actually say anything. Yep, Fox is waging his own little private war against the leader of the most powerful country on earth.

A Twitter war, that is.

On Sunday, Fox was at it again, tweeting:

We’ll just assume that this is a response to this Trump tweet:

It’s truly fascinating that the former president of a third-world country destroyed by drug cartels is so obsessed with Trump. As I asked Fox on Twitter:


What’s more, if we’re going to play the “if it wasn’t for” game, how about this, Mr. Fox? I doubt you would have become president if it wasn’t for Mexico’s drug cartels, corruption, and poverty.

It’s bad enough when Crooked Hillary and Nancy “I Love Facelifts” Pelosi think they can lecture Trump, but Vicente Fox of all people? His country is being destroyed by drug kingpins who are behaving like little emperors, slashing the throats of people who oppose them and of rivals, destroying entire villages, and digging mass graves in which they dump their many victims, but Fox is obsessed with Trump? Pathetic.

This is an example of what is going on in Mexico while Fox publishes angry tweets about Trump:

Forensic experts work in the graves where bodies were found buried in the metropolitan area of Cuernavaca in Tetelcingo
Mass graves found in Tetelcingo, Mexico – 31 May 2016
(Rex Features via AP Images)

The state of Morelos in central Mexico buried 117 people in unofficial mass graves with at least 84 bodies showing signs of violence, according to the results of a study by forensic experts…

“In the graves at Tetelcingo we can see the concealment of crimes and probably what constitutes a crime against humanity,” the coordinator of the university’s victim attention programme, Roberto Villanueva, said in presenting the report on Tuesday. “We have found evidence of torture and other cruel and degrading inhuman treatment,” Mr Villanueva added…

Relatives of missing persons and peace campaigners have urged the Morelos state administration to launch a full-scale investigation into the mass graves, which could demonstrate connivance between elements in the security forces with Mexico’s organised crime gangs, such as the Zetas.


Fox would be wise to direct his ire at these drug cartels and the current administration ruling his own country, instead of obsessing over Trump — the president of a country with not even half of Mexico’s problems.


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