
From Benghazi to Khartoum: Fallen Embassies on Biden’s Watch

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

What is it about Joe Biden and fallen U.S. Embassies? Have you noticed a pattern yet? Let’s recap:

Benghazi, Libya — On Sept. 11, 2012, while Joe Biden was the vice president, a group linked to al Qaeda assaulted the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, causing the death of four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. With the 2012 presidential election only a few weeks away, a cover-up operation ensued to help Obama and Joe Biden get reelected. Despite being fully aware that it was a pre-planned terrorist attack, the key players pointed to an obscure YouTube video as the catalyst for a supposed “spontaneous” protest. Obama and Hillary publicly espoused this false narrative. UN Ambassador Susan Rice repeated this lie numerous times on weekend talk shows. Investigations were carried out, but the Obama-Biden administration obstructed those investigations, dismissing them as partisan witch hunts.

Kabul, Afghanistan — Nearly nine years later, Joe Biden was back in the White House — this time as president — and another embassy fell, in Kabul, Afghanistan. Arguably, no other event has had as significant an impact on Biden’s presidency as his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. In his eagerness to obtain a photo-op victory on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks and bolster his reputation as a hero, Biden ignored the advice of his military advisors and pushed forward with a withdrawal. He’d been warned that the Afghan military was on the verge of collapse, he disregarded warnings of the Taliban’s advancement, and he conducted a disorderly and rushed evacuation. The outcome was devastating. The American-supported government collapsed and the Taliban quickly seized control. The U.S. embassy was abandoned, and a terror attack at the chaotic Kabul airport claimed the lives of 13 U.S. servicemembers. Not only that but according to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as many as 9,000 Americans were left behind in Afghanistan. Yet despite the disaster, the Biden administration insists the withdrawal was a success.

Related: Afghanistan Has Become What It Was Before 9/11: A Terrorist Haven and Staging Area

Khartoum, Sudan — And now, once again, we have yet another fallen embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, complete with Biden’s signature chaos and Americans left behind. On Saturday evening, Biden announced that following a week of escalating violence that resulted in the death of at least one American citizen, official personnel were evacuated from the American embassy in Khartoum, Sudan by the U.S. military. A reported 16,000 Americans were left behind during Biden’s latest botched evacuation, and it looks like there’s little that can be done for them aside from hoping for a potential ceasefire and a reduction in violence. And, yet, like Afghanistan, Biden called the withdrawal from Khartoum a success.

Benghazi, Kabul, and now Khartoum have all experienced chaos and failure on Joe Biden’s watch. The Benghazi incident involved a cover-up operation to help Obama and Biden get reelected, and the Biden Administration has been obstructing the investigation of the withdrawal from Afghanistan. These repeated failures are a serious cause for concern, and it’s important that the administration is held accountable for these embarrassing incidents that weaken the United States’ standing on the world stage.


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