Boo-Freaking-Hoo: Michelle Obama Sobbed Uncontrollably After Trump Inauguration

(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast, File)

While many in the nation celebrated when Donald Trump took the oath of office, Michelle Obama, mostly known for her portrayal as the school lunch-killing wife of Barack Obama, apparently was brought to tears after the inauguration when her family took off from Joint Base Andrews in Maryland.


“I cried for 30 minutes straight — uncontrollable sobbing — because that’s how much we were holding it together for eight years,” Obama says in a clip from her new podcast, which I have no intention of ever listening to, and I’m sure you never will either.

“We were leaving the home we had been in for eight years, the only home our kids really knew,” Obama said in reference to her daughters, Malia and Sasha. “They remembered Chicago, but they had spent more time in the White House than anywhere, so we were saying goodbye to the staff and all the people who helped to raise them.”

Yeah, that’s tough going from having a whole staff to take of your children to actually being responsible for their upbringing again. It’s tough stuff. I’m sure it was very, very emotional knowing all that staff wouldn’t be there anymore.


Of course, this isn’t particularly shocking. Michelle Obama was notorious for having an excessively large entourage and seemed to relish having all the perks that came with her husband’s position. Giving all that up and having to go back to the private sector and, you know, paying for things out of her own pocket was probably very traumatic for her.

In other news, I don’t really care about what Michelle Obama blathers about. So… moving on.


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