Will Dems Try to Assassinate Trump? Former NYPD Commissioner Thinks So.

AP Photo/Mark Humphrey

Former NYPD commissioner Bernard Kerik appeared on NewsmaxTV on Monday evening, and in that appearance, he expressed concern that Democrats, terrified of Trump running for president again, might try to assassinate him.


“If you remember back in 2016, right before he got elected, I was in Washington D.C. I was at a couple of different social events, and I hear people talking, they said the Democrats want this guy so bad that they wouldn’t put assassination behind it,” Kerik told Eric Bolling on The Balance.

“And I’m gonna tell you something,” he continued. “They’ve tried impeachment, they’ve tried another impeachment, they’ve tried one investigation after another. This is about one thing: this is about stopping him from running in 2024.”

He added, “And I’m gonna tell you something, I’m not into conspiracies, I’m not into anti-government rhetoric. This is the first time in my lifetime that I would say I am deathly afraid for Donald Trump. I would not put assassination behind these people.”


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