
Trump, Biden, and 2024

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

While I hold out hope that Trump’s legal team will successfully prove enough fraud in the contested states that he’ll ultimately be declared the winner, I accept that the chances of this are getting slimmer every week. Many Trump supporters are already talking about 2024.

Even Donald Trump Jr. brought up the 2024 prospects on Twitter Sunday afternoon.

All joking aside, as much as I’m holding out hope that a miracle happens, the importance of 2024 is still worthy of discussion. With a huge army of loyal supporters, Trump clearly remains the favorite of Republican voters four years from now, and this matters a lot.

Should Biden be inaugurated, many people suspect that his presidency will be short-lived. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve heard say that “He’ll be gone in six months,” or some other prediction, that, like all others, assumes that Biden will not serve out a full term. Biden, we all know, is 78 years old, and a good day for him is when you can actually understand what he says. He spent much of the campaign hiding in his basement and when he did make appearances, they typically resulted in fodder for conservative bloggers to point out more evidence of his cognitive decline—since the mainstream media certainly wouldn’t. In fact, polls show most voters don’t expect Biden to serve a full term. According to Rasmussen, roughly half of Democrats don’t think he will.

Conservatives have generally seen that Biden’s purpose was to play the role of the “centrist” on top of the ticket—someone safe and electable who could win the support of independents and peel off enough Republicans to secure a victory. Biden’s appeal during the primaries was always his perceived electability, particularly over Bernie Sanders, the unabashed socialist who has succeeded in pulling his party even further to the left. Kamala Harris, however, is a San Francisco liberal who couldn’t run a donut shop, much less win over moderates. Now she’s basically waiting in the wings, ready to emerge out of the Trojan Horse when the time is right and Biden resigns—for whatever reason the Democratic Party decides is the best one—and then wreak all sorts of leftist havoc on the country.

But if President Trump runs in 2024, that could change. Democrats know that Trump’s supporters are loyal. They know that he’s managed to grow support amongst minority voters. They know he gained 11 million votes over four years. Trump is a threat, and Democrats must know he’s a bigger threat running against Kamala Harris than Joe Biden.

So, should Biden be inaugurated, if Trump remains the head of the GOP and continues to hold rallies and expand the GOP’s coalition, Joe Biden may be forced to hold out longer than most expect. Joe Biden may not be a centrist, but there’s something slightly less scary about him in the Oval Office than Kamala Harris.


Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trump and the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis


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