Obama's Cover Shot for InStyle Magazine Is the Most Cringeworthy Thing You've Ever Seen

AP Photo/Vincent Thian

The release of Obama’s long-awaited third memoir has resulted in the expected flood of glowing media attention. Remember the eight years of glowing media coverage he received during his time in the White House? Yeah, it’s pretty much like that again. Perhaps his fashion sense is better than his governing skills, but it’s still a bit bizarre to see him being the subject of a cover story of a fashion magazine.


InStyle magazine has released a preview of their interview with Barack Obama, slated for full release in January.

“Barack Obama on The Women Who Made Him,” reads the headline, with the even more ridiculous subheading: The former president reflects on his childhood and what makes Michelle, Sasha, and Malia so badass.

But that’s hardly the worst thing. The worst thing is InStyle’s cover for their January issue, featuring Barack Obama.

Obama is by no means a humble person, but for some reason, the photographer, Shaniqwa Jarvis, chose to accentuate the narcissism, having Obama leaning back in a chair, legs crossed, and an awkward popped collar, all with a pompous smirk on his face, like he’s some millennial YouTube star, or he’s just passed gas.

I have a hard time deciding if this is hilariously awful or just plain old awkward.

As for the content of the article… Okay, no one is reading InStyle magazine for top-notch journalism, but can you believe that “What’s the most badass thing about Michelle, Malia, and Sasha?” was an actual question asked during the interview? Could you see them asking the same question of President Trump? Sadly, InStyle isn’t much different from the mainstream media that actually fancies itself to be practicing real journalism.



Matt Margolis is the author of Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis


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