FLASHBACK: Experts Wanted Hillary to Challenge 2016 Election Results, Alleged Hacking

AP Photo/Kathy Willens

While the mainstream media, the Democratic Party, and even some conservative media outlets are urging Trump to concede despite the results of the election being contested in battleground states that determined the outcome of the election, the Trump campaign is still compiling affidavits and evidence of voter fraud. Amongst other things, allegations of vote-switching by electronic voting machines have been made, resulting in a chorus of Biden supporters claiming that such a thing simply isn’t possible.


Except, it very much so was possible four years ago. New York Magazine reported soon after the election that Hillary Clinton was “being urged by a group of prominent computer scientists and election lawyers to call for a recount in three swing states won by Donald Trump.”

The group included voting-rights attorney John Bonifaz and J. Alex Halderman, the director of the University of Michigan Center for Computer Security and Society, who believed they had found “persuasive evidence that results in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania may have been manipulated or hacked.”

Hacked? But we’re being told today that claims that the 2020 election may have been hacked are wild conspiracy theories! Imagine that. While the Clinton campaign didn’t move forward with those challenges, Hillary Clinton still argues that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her.

Keep in mind that the aforementioned J. Alex Halderman is the same man who, in a video published by the New York Times in 2018, demonstrated how easy it would rig a voting machine.

According to a New York Magazine story, this group of lawyers and experts “held a conference call with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and campaign general counsel Marc Elias to make their case.” According to their statistical analysis, Clinton underperformed in counties using electronic voting machines, and, despite having no evidence of hacking or manipulation of votes, recommended an independent review.


Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

in addition to that, in a blog post on Medium published a couple of weeks after the 2016 election, Halderman noted that the only way to ensure that the results from electronic voting machines are legitimate is an audit of the votes in states relying on these machines. “Examining the physical evidence in these states — even if it finds nothing amiss — will help allay doubt and give voters justified confidence that the results are accurate,” Halderman explained. “It will also set a precedent for routinely examining paper ballots, which will provide an important deterrent against cyberattacks on future elections. Recounting the ballots now can only lead to strengthened electoral integrity.”

Yet today, experts (and the left) are telling us that the 2020 election was “the most secure in American history.” Perhaps when it comes to foreign interference, that might be true, but as Halderman has pointed out many times, it’s easy to hack electronic voting machines, and without an audit—an examination of the physical evidence—we can’t be sure that the results of the 2020 presidential election are legitimate.


There are plenty of statistical anomalies and suspicious vote dumps that should be investigated.

It’s very possible that any hacking that is proven won’t change the results of the election, but without a proper investigation and audit of the results, we’ll never know for sure, and, should Biden take office in January with that question unanswered, that’s something he wouldn’t want casting a shadow over his presidency.


Matt Margolis is the author of the new book Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trumpand the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis

FLASHBACK: Univ. of Michigan Computer Scientist Warned About Voting Machine Vulnerabilities in 2018 
Flashback: Democrats Warned of Voting Machines ‘Switching’ Votes Last Year


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