Biden’s First Coronavirus Shadow-Briefing Was a Disaster

(Screenshot via YouTube)

I bet Joe Biden thought his coronavirus shadow-briefings would demonstrate to the American people his superior leadership abilities and judgment in the middle of a national crisis compared to Trump.


Instead, Biden’s first attempt at appearing presidential and ready to handle a crisis was another gaffe-prone disaster that his campaign most certainly regrets doing.

In the middle of his Monday briefing, Biden apparently lost his train of thought while explaining what he thinks Trump should do during the crisis.

”I’m glad the president has finally activated the National Guard. Now we need the armed forces and the National Guard to help with hospital capacity, supplies, and logistics. We need to activate the reserve corps of doctors and nurses and beef up the number of responders dealing with this crush of cases,” he said, before shuffling papers and then gesturing to someone off-camera that there was a problem. “And, uh, in addition to that, in addition to that, we have to make sure that, we are… Well, let me go to the second thing.


Biden also flubbed the name of the governor of Massachusetts, Charlie Baker, during the same briefing.

Keep these briefings coming, Joe.  You’re definitely distinguishing yourself from Donald Trump… just not in the way you hoped.


Matt Margolis is the author of Trumping Obama: How President Trump Saved Us From Barack Obama’s Legacy and the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama. You can follow Matt on Twitter @MattMargolis


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