Book Review: 'The Social Justice Warrior Handbook'

If you’ve ever wondered why everything that once brought joy to your life has now turned into a miserable experience that isn’t worth your time, have I got something for you.  Lisa De Pasquale, author of Finding Mr. Righteous, has written a new book that takes a humorous look at the creatures responsible for raining on your life’s parade.


I’m referring to the celebrated “social justice warrior.” Lisa’s latest book, The Social Justice Warrior Handbook, takes a much-deserved swipe at the harpies who have infected our culture, our entertainment industry, our education system, and our political process.

Lisa’s book provides the reader with a blueprint of numerous aspects of the SJW life, such as “How to live in you parents’ home with dignity and condescension” and “How to do an epic takedown of Tucker Carlson.” It’s almost like there’s a script these snowflakes follow…

The Social Justice Warrior Handbook starts at the very beginning of the social justice warrior’s evolution. What kind of warrior will I be? A feminist? A warrior ruining everyone’s workplace? A professional protestor who blocks highways, preventing ambulances from delivering injured citizens to medical care? All important choices! And they love choices unless they aren’t the right choices, of course.  (Are those LEATHER shoes???)

Throughout the book, readers learn of the important features of the SJW: “As a Social Justice Warrior, you are obligated to tell every single person when you are wearing an ethically produced item of clothing and educate them on why their clothing is worse than Hitler.”

But the book is not all fun and games. Readers will learn how to handle crisis situations like what to do when someone assumes your gender. While tackling such hot-button issues, the author never places too much burden on the aspiring SJW and demonstrates she can “walk the walk”: “This author believes in practicing what she preaches given her cis privilege. I am a cisgender, heterosexual woman who is attracted to cisgender men in their late 40s and early 50s who display toxic masculinity. In interviews about this and my other writings, you may refer to me by using my personal pronouns of ‘her’ and ‘she.’ “


Other chapters in the book include “How to ruin a holiday” and a chapter that includes all the things the social justice warrior is entitled to. (It’s blank.)

If you need a good laugh, immediately order this book. I read it in one sitting, I couldn’t put it down.

[DISCLAIMER: Lisa is one of my besties but I’m not biased about the book. I gave it a positive review even though she left out my suggested section on Rachel Dolezal’s bronzer recommendations.]


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