The Feds Want to Take Your Guns While Stockpiling Weapons, Ammo, and Tactical Gear

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

It’s no secret that the Democrat Party, also currently known as the Federal Government, is opposed to an armed citizenry. And as someone who has been shot at, I understand that not everyone should own a gun. But it is telling that those in favor of total disarmament always look past the motivations and the mindset of the shooters in question. One could argue that the uptick in violence across the country is the result of a decline in behavior and expectations and the blessing of criminal behavior by state and local authorities. When societal norms break down, violence is a given.


But while the government wants to get its hands on your firearms, it has been loading up on them like it is 4 a.m. at a Black Friday sale. A story that The New York Post broke a month ago is now making its way around talk radio and other outlets and bears repeating here. in fact, it should be a major talking point around water coolers, over back fences, on your social media feeds, and at your favorite eatery or pub.

Since 2020, the IRS has spent $10 million on weapons, ammunition, and the accompanying accessories and accouterments. In theory, I understand why entities such as the FBI, ATF, and the U.S. Marshals Service need such things. And if our federal government were not so dysfunctional, I would sleep a little better. But the IRS? Health and Human Services? Why do these agencies need to arm up? And given the fact that a new debt ceiling deal has been hammered out, you need to know just how much money these agencies are spending and for what.

Open the Books has the numbers. And they are alarming, to say the least.

The Internal Revenue Service:

Since 2006, the IRS spent $35.2 million on guns, ammo, and tactical gear. Here is the IRS shopping list since 2020:

  • $2.3 million on duty ammunition
  • $1.2 million on ballistic shields, plus another $1.3 million on “various other gear for criminal investigation agents”
  • $474,000 on Smith & Wesson rifles
  • $467,000 on duty tactical lighting
  • $463,000 on Baretta1301 tactical shotguns
  • $354,000 on tactical gear bags
  • 267,000 on ballistic helmets
  • $243,000 on body armor vests

This includes “3,000 units of optics-compatible tactical holsters for weapons with optical sights and weapons lighting systems.”

Health and Human Services:

HHS puts the IRS to shame. Since 2006, the agency has blown through $154 million for weapons, military gear, and ammunition. Here are some items that HHS has purchased since 2020:

  • $400K on tactical combat gear
  • $250,000 on ammunition
  • $100,000 on new guns
  • $47,000 on Night vision equipment
  • $100,000 worth of virtual reality simulation training.
  • $85,000 on Ballistic plates and Body armor
  • 240 new black chrome batons.

For a complete rundown of how your tax money is being spent to arm the bureaucracy, click here.

Again, why do the IRS and HHS need all of this firepower? Does the threat of an IRS audit no longer cut the mustard? And as to HHS, according to its own website:


The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of all Americans, by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services.

What does that have to do with weapons, ammo, and tactical gear? Truth be told, neither of these agencies “needs” these things. But they are arms of the federal government, and if said government decides that it needs to take you into custody or seize your belongings, either one of these agencies could be used to do so. The government can always make up a reason later, if at all. As Lavrentiy Beria, one of the most heinous members of Stalin’s secret police once said, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”

Furthermore, the Left loves guns, ammo, other weapons, and tactical gear. It just wants to be the only entity that has them. Those things are outward symbols of power. Armed feds booting down a door, or even just the treat should be enough to enforce compliance. The Left believes guns are wonderful things, so long as the right people have them. Rush Limbaugh pointed this out years ago.


So makes sure that you don’t violate whatever it is the HHS enforces. And for crying out loud, keep an eye on your money. Depending on your politics, the IRS may not be satisfied with just sending you a bill for back taxes.

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