Surprise! Rasmussen Says Voters Want a Secure Border

AP Photo/Marco Ugarte

A recent Rasmussen poll of 1,200 registered voters showed that a majority of those surveyed favor legal immigration. But the same number of people disagree, and many also support an increased presence of law enforcement and the military at the nation’s borders.


According to a piece in Just the News, 74% agree that legal immigration is a positive thing, while the same percentage of respondents said that illegal immigration is a negative one. The article said that 61% of those polled believe that Title 42 should be used to keep illegals out of the U.S. to limit the spread of COVID-19. One in five of those polled believed that the border is secure, while most said it is not, by a difference of 21% to 54% Most respondents (52%) said that Democrats are not serious about the issue.

On the other hand, 43% said that Republicans were trying to solve the problem. Seventy-three percent agreed that problems like national security issues, drugs, and human trafficking are attributable to illegals who evade capture by CBP officers. Seventy-five of those who responded said that the cartels deserve the designation of terrorist organizations.

Notably, the poll asserted that around 75,000 people enter the U.S. every month and avoid apprehension. There was no attribution for that statement, but with that in mind, 68% of respondents said that it was time to deploy law enforcement and military personnel to the border.

Republicans made up 43% of the respondents, while Democrats comprised 36%. 21% identified as “other.”


Former U.S. Marshall Robert Almonte told Fox News Monday that he was tired of the indecision and inaction over the issue and that once Title 42 comes to an end, we would see the dam breaking.

It may come as a surprise to the Biden administration and its media, but most Americans can see the chaos at the border. They can see the uptick in fentanyl distribution and use and the stress the crush of illegals is creating in border towns. They understand that each group of migrants crossing the border is seasoned with a helping of traffickers, cartel members, and terrorists.

And they know that the border towns and the nation are not prepared for this many people entering the country. They don’t even need to read between the lines — it is that obvious. But it is equally obvious to them, even among those who would never openly admit it, that their government is simply unwilling to do anything about it.


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