'Blood on Their Hands' Activists Contribute to Two Deaths in England

Eduardo Verdugo

What do you get when you unleash a group of uneducated, narcissistic, overindulged, and misinformed teenagers and young adults, who grew up on social media and in an incubator of leftist doctrine, on the world? Chaos.


Yet another group of climate criminals, who do not understand and for that matter do not want to understand the facts of life decided in pursuit of a dopamine hit from their act of selfless stupidity to launch another protest. Unlike recent tantrums, these people did not throw soup or glue themselves to something like a cranky toddler left to rummage in the kitchen while their sitter scrolled through Instagram. This time there were real casualties. And what do you want to bet that these socio/psychopaths couldn’t care less?

The UK publication The Sun named Morgan Trowland and Marcus Carambola as affiliates of the group Just Stop Oil who suspended themselves over a bridge between Kent and Essex this past week. They hung a banner reading “Just Stop Oil” over the bridge. They were eventually arrested after their two-day stunt and removed from the bridge, but not after creating a massive traffic snarl. Now, these two “brave warriors” are accused of having blood on their hands.

Because traffic had become so horrific due to the antics of these overgrown children, people were taking another route to avoid the bridge. In this case, motorists had opted for the M20. That route was also becoming crowded and a motorist was stranded on the edge of the road. A BMW struck the driver, a 40-year-old woman. Another woman, Lisa Webber, a mother of four who had stopped to render aid, was also struck by the speeding car and killed. Another person, Mark Heap, pulled over to help and sustained broken bones in his back and a fracture in his leg. Because of the traffic situation, first responders were delayed in reaching the victims. Of Trowland and Carambola, Heap said: “They may not have intended to hurt anyone, but they’ve got blood on their hands now. Without the protest, the emergency services might have been able to get there in time to save the women.” The Sun quoted ex-Met chief inspector Mick Neville as saying: “They may not have directly caused the M20 accident. But had their irresponsible demo not taken place, the women and van driver would probably not have been there.”


Yes, the driver of the BMW is at fault, should not have been speeding, and should not have crossed three lanes of traffic. Authorities are still looking for the driver. But all of this could have been avoided if Trowland and Carambola had taken a moment to think about things like human safety, ambulances, and fire equipment. But they didn’t. They undoubtedly considered the traffic jam a perfect object lesson to get people to think about the alleged evils of fossil fuels. Forget the fact that their tents, parkas, and cell phones all have required petroleum to manufacture. They would never go without their comforts, so long as they can make you go without your comforts or even the services and technology that could save your life. It is reminiscent of the fact that you never hear about people who bemoan the population’s effect on the environment never killing themselves. The sacrifice is always someone else’s to make.

These two are from the same infectious strain of “activists” who wanted to partially bury rebar on the backroads around the oil and gas fields near where I used to live. The hope was that a truck would hit the poles, causing a wreck and injuring or killing a driver. They wanted an accident, and if possible a dead body. A potential dead driver and a ruined family were the perfect prices for someone else to pay. It’s how these people think.


Incidentally, the two have been charged with “conspiracy to commit a public nuisance.”

If you look at the pictures of these and other “eco-worriers” you will not see the faces of warriors at all. You will see the faces of spoiled children who think that the world is nothing but a collection of action figures that they can use to convince themselves and others that they are heroes. But they are heroes in no one’s eyes but their own and those of their fellow acolytes.

Overgrown children gluing themselves to walls and floors have immense comic potential, but this is a generation that has been raised to believe that they are inherently special, wise, gifted and chosen for great things, and infinitely smarter than those who came before. They are nothing more than adventure tourists and they really don’t care that other people suffer, or could be hurt or even killed, so long as they enjoy their day in the sun. Consequences do not exist for them.

Postscript: Kudos to Frontpage Mag for taking these zealots on.


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