Austin School District to Host 'Pride Week' for Schoolchildren

LGBTQ+++™ “Pride Month” occurs every year in June. Austin Independent School District’s academic year ends on May 25, though, which means it loses out on the opportunity to groom the children in its care at that time.


No matter: the school district just moved its “Pride Celebration” to March 20-25, a time during which its captive audience is in class and ready to absorb the propaganda.

Via the district’s website:

Every year, to celebrate LGBTQIA+ students, staff and families Austin ISD hosts its own Pride Week, a time to highlight the district’s commitment to creating a safe, supportive and inclusive environment.

This year’s weeklong celebration is March 20-25, 2023, which aligns with the National LGBT Health Awareness Week.

Each campus will receive a guide of suggested activities and resources for PRIDE Week. Campuses are encouraged to coordinate activities that engage, educate and inspire. If you have any questions regarding planning activities or for assistance in selecting resources that best fit your school community, please contact your campus GSA coordinator or campus counselor.

Pride Swag—Students and staff, during the week of March 20-24, please visit your campus front office to pick up Pride and Ally stickers, posters, flags, pronoun buttons and more!


The week “aligns with the National LGBT Health Awareness Week,” which ” raises awareness of the unique and important health needs of LGBTQ communities. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gay and bisexual men are the population most affected by HIV.”

Related: PRAGER: LGBTQ+ ‘Pride’ Is Totalitarian 

Of course, kindergartners should learn all about gay men’s susceptibility to HIV — not how to read or count or whatever.

It’s unclear how many drag shows the children will be subjected to during the week.

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