Anytime you want to start a lively discussion among Christians just ask the question, “Will Jesus return in your lifetime?”
Then of course, some Bible thumper will immediately quote the famous scripture verse from Matthew 24:36:
“However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.” (New Living Translation)
Mindful that believers can never know, but only speculate about the exact date of the “Second Coming” – here are some interesting facts enfolding in 2014 relating to events on earth and in the sky.
First, let’s begin with the earthly facts concerning an Orthodox Israeli Rabbi named Yitzhak Kaduri who died on January 28, 2006 at over 100 years of age. (There is debate over Kaduri’s exact age at his death ranging from 108 to 104.)
From this short video you will learn about Rabbi Kaduri and the mysteries that are still swirling around him eight years after his death.
As mentioned in the video, Rabbi Kaduri publicly stated in a sermon that the Messiah, who Kaduri said had revealed himself to him, was going to appear to Israel “soon” after the death of former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Not mentioned was Kaduri gave the sermon in 2005 on Yom Kippur, the holiest of Jewish holidays when Ariel Sharon was Prime Minister of Israel.
At the time this video was produced Sharon was still “alive” but in a coma, after suffering a massive stroke on January 4, 2006.
Then on January 11, 2014 Sharon finally died after eight years in a coma and his obituary from the Washington Post stated the following:
The man who chose the title “Warrior” for his autobiography was for much of his career the darling of the Israeli right, which chanted “Arik, King of Israel!” invoking his nickname and comparing him to the legendary biblical King David.
Is it coincidental that Jesus is also often referred to as “The King of Israel?”
The 2013 book, The Rabbi Who Found Messiah by Carl Gallups chronicles the intertwined lives of Sharon, Kaduri and the creation of the State of Israel in 1948 of which Sharon was a hero and commander of the Israeli Army.
So to recap:
A very old Rabbi who looked like Moses and died in 2006 predicted the Messiah’s return “soon” after Ariel Sharon dies. Then, in a note that the Rabbi instructed was to be opened in 2007, a year after his death, he revealed Yeshua the Hebrew name for Jesus as the Messiah. (This is highly unusual behavior for a revered Orthodox Israeli rabbi and perhaps the reason why he wanted it opened after his death.)
Meanwhile, Ariel Sharon, who his followers chanted “Arik, King of Israel” just died a few weeks ago. (Obviously there is nothing of any significance going on here, so go back to your work stations!)
But wait there’s more…the “sky” portion of this piece.
Watch this Fox News segment from October 16, 2013 and learn about a series of lunar and solar eclipses beginning on April 15, 2014, which also happens to be the start of the holy Jewish holiday of Passover.
So what if lunar and solar eclipses are happening on Jewish holidays that have not happened in hundreds of years?
Pastor John Hagee, a well known author and theologian in his new book, Four-Blood-Moons: Something is About to Change intertwines scripture, history, and the indisputable science from NASA.
Therefore, as April 15, 2014 approaches you will start hearing more about this phenomenon of lunar activity especially in relation to Passover and the meaning of it all.
Now, whether these events — Sharon’s death connected to Rabbi Kaduri’s prediction and all the lunar activity on Jewish holidays is actually heralding the return of the Messiah — I have no idea and neither does anyone else.
Well, maybe except Luke, that wise Greek doctor (and only Gentile Christian writer of the New Testament) who wrote in the Book of Luke:
“…There will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars…Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Luke 21:25a, 28
Luke’s writings on the Messiah’s return may be worth checking out… just in case there IS something about to happen “soon.” And while you have that book open, try reading Luke’s rather intriguing “holiday” story if you somehow missed it. That also has a rather famous “sky” element to it.
Besides Luke’s self-titled Book of Luke, he also wrote the Book of Acts and both can be found in the “best-selling book” of all time. Which by the way, if there happens to be ANY connection between these earth and sky events, my prediction is THAT book will be flying off the shelves.
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