Thanks to everyone who included our latest caption contest in their Thanksgiving weekend activities.
As usual, the entries were humorous, creative, and politically astute, making judging extremely difficult. Especially popular with the turkey-stuffed judges were the poetic entries.
Cfbleachers our “Caption King Emeritus” was inspired by Shakespeare (Google the name, kids) when he wrote:
If you cross the king
You might live in the towers
Or be kidnapped and buried
Beneath the leaves and the flowers
But the prison that tortures
the mind and the soul
Is that we twice chose our dungeon
So the shame is all ours.
Another favorite ditty was written by Allen Crowson:
There once was a guy named Barack,
To whose style all the blue ones did flock.
He promised O’Care
But it’s Buyer Beware!
And now the whole thing’s just a crock.
Now, for the caption and “thought bubble” winners we have obtained some old, faded, 2008 Obama “Hope and Change” posters for our two grand prize winners.
First is Zip Code for this sad (and almost true) Obama “thought bubble:”
Get that man’s name and address, he forgot to bow.
And then cfbleachers for this even sadder and truer caption:
My insurance was cancelled, my Obama-phone was shut off and my identity was hacked on the government website. You’re in good hands, with All Statist.
Here are the rest of the best. (However, if you go back to the contest post and click “view all” you will realize that most of the entries deserved to be in the winner’s circle.) Like this one by Kuce:
Not seen below the photo – It’s a shame – I can’t declare martial law.
P Henry Saddleburr: (Are you related to Thurston Howell the Third?)
Yes We Can. Yes We Can……..make your life a living hell.
Brian FitzGerald: Asked for directions and he tells me where the map is…
Thom1: Bubble…”even the phone quit working…”
RockThisTown: I Walk the Lie.
Finally, two more from our grand prize winner, cfbleachers:
If you like your poverty, you can keep your poverty.
Buddy can you spare a little hope…and change?
And one more from Zip Code:
Gentleman on left,—I really don’t need that map to tell me this is[1984 Orwell St.]
Yes, it MUST be “1984″ because “Big Brother (really is) Watching You” and “Ignorance is Strength.” (That explains why President Obama was re-elected.)
See you all next time a photo is worthy of a Tatler Photo Caption Contest.
Meanwhile, as you go about your life in 2013 remember back in 1948 George Orwell wrote this prophetic line in the book 1984:
“It’s a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”
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