New York Daily News Column

I’ll have another dispatch here shortly, but in the meantime here’s a short piece of mine in the New York Daily News.

FALLUJAH, IRAQ – In August, I wrote in these pages that it was too soon to judge Gen. David Petraeus’ surge of troops in Iraq a success or a failure. It’s not too soon anymore.
Baghdad, the most dangerous city in all of Iraq, is only half as violent as it was when I was there during the summer. And the fact that the capital is now the deadliest city is itself evidence of a tectonic shift on the ground.
In the spring of 2007, Ramadi was the most violent place in Iraq. But the insurgency there has been finished. The Taji area north of Baghdad, which was a catastrophe when I paid a visit in July, is now going the way of Ramadi.
I am writing these words from Fallujah, site of the most horrific battle of the entire war in November 2004, and the city thought to be the meanest in Iraq since at least the time of the British in Mesopotamia.


Read the rest in the New York Daily News.


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