Marine Aviator Amy McGrath Sets Her Sights on Mitch McConnell

(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Mitch McConnell (or, as I like to call him: Frogman) has been a member of the U.S. Senate since 1985. That’s just one year after I was born, which makes his Senate tenure 34 years long. An amazing length by all accounts, and one that the American Founding Fathers would’ve warned against.


If there was ever a Swamp Animal, it’s McConnell. Despite his 34 years in the U.S. Senate, not one piece of important legislation has been tied to him. Not one. The only politics he’s involved in are backroom politics. He’s a professional kingmaker; a man who can make or break careers, and who just loves to use his snake-like powers to do so.

That’s why I’m extremely happy to read that former marine aviator Amy McGrath has announced she’ll take him on in the elections of 2020. McGrath, a Democrat, thinks that McConnell is vulnerable because, CBS explains, “because of his lengthy tenure in Washington, his stance on health care and his taut allegiance to the policies of President Donald Trump.”

Of course, McConnell is not a fierce supporter of Trump at all. To the contrary, he’s one of those old, elitist GOP leaders who are doing everything in their power to prevent Trump from pursuing much if not most of his agenda.

“I’ve been always somebody who stepped up to the plate when asked, when I felt like my country needed me, and this is one of those times,” McGrath says in an interview. “I feel like somebody needs to stand up to him,” she adds.


Although McConnell certainly is the favorite to win this race, McGrath should not be underestimated. Unlike many other possible candidates, she has the financial firepower to truly pose a threat.

Let me be clear: I’m not a fan of McGrath’s politics. But my oh my, would it be a blessing to get rid of McConnell or what? The sooner that man is to put out to grass, the better. And, let’s face it, McGrath does have an extremely compelling life story. She was the first female pilot to fly the F/A-18 on a combat mission and served for 20 years in the Marine Corps during which time she flew 89 combat missions bombing al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Regardless of her views on health care, that’s downright inspiring.


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