If you want to indoctrinate an entire population, you better start young. One creative teacher from Colorado has clearly taken that lesson (learned from the Nazis, of course) to heart:
A Weld County high school teacher has been placed on paid administrative leave after photos of a controversial Cinco de Mayo incident of students smashing a pinata with President Donald Trump’s picture on it circulated online.
The name of the Trump-hating teacher hasn’t been released, but Weld County School District RE-5J Johnstown-Milliken says an investigation will begin today. That sounds very impressive, of course, but you wonder what there is left to investigate, exactly. The evidence is clear:
The pinata had a photo of Trump on it. On the video and on photos of the event you can see how students are hitting the pinata, which is tied to a tree, with a bat.
The school district has released an official statement in which it distances itself completely from the teacher:
This was an incredibly disrespectful act that does not reflect the values of Roosevelt High School or the school district.
Well, there’s just one way for the district to prove that: by firing this teacher.
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