As feared by the supreme leader, there’s a big turnout today by the opposition Green Movement. You can follow it at Tehran Bureau (which is liveblogging it with an excellent team including our Josh Sharyar and my friend Homylafayette) or, if you think you can sort out the truth tellers who are actually on the ground from those who aren’t and/or aren’t (and you can see regime tweeters trying to deceive us), then go on Twitter to #iranelection.
There are some reports that the crowds have driven Basij units away from some locations, and others that many demonstrators are being dragged off to prison.
As expected many chants for the kidnaped leaders, Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, and their wives.
It’s now a bit after 6:30 PM in Iran, and the Greens expected they would do better at night than during daylight, hence the demo was called for early evening.
If you follow along, keep in mind that at some point in most of these demonstrations, there has been a fight in the area of the national broadcasting hq. (IRIB).
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