'Billboard Chris' Assaulted at Transgender Day of Visibility Rally While Vancouver Police Stand By and Laugh

Twitter screenshot

Billboard Chris Elston has been traveling between Canada and the U.S. to protest the gender transition of children. His protests have been very effective and have brought much attention to the problem of experimenting on kids with dangerous, irreversible drugs and procedures. Due to his action, along with those of detransitioners, Gays Against Groomers, and other activists, many states have instituted bans on gender transition for minors.


Trans activists hate Elston. Yet he still goes directly into the fray taking his message into the belly of the beast without fear. He is usually alone or only accompanied by a cameraman or a few friends. He has been assaulted multiple times just for wearing a sign that says “children cannot consent to puberty blockers.”

A Canadian by birth, Elston is soft-spoken and stereotypically polite. I’ve never seen him get angry or yell even when activists are spitting in his face. The man has the demeanor of a saint and the courage of a lion. He attended a transgender rally in Vancouver on Friday and was assaulted multiple times while Vancouver police stood by, some of them laughing. They refused to make any arrests.

First Elston was assaulted while standing and talking to a reporter. An activist tried to rip his sign off and cut his nose in the process.

After that assault, Elston called the police to report the assault. When police arrived, a smirking female officer suggested that Elston cut his own face. After Elston told the officer he was surrounded and assaulted, she didn’t seem to believe him. “As you can see, my nose is bleeding,” said Elston to the Vancouver police officer. “So what happened? Who pushed you?” she said, sounding incredulous. “People do these things to hurt themselves,” she continued after being asked why she doesn’t believe him.


After being shown video of Elston standing and speaking calmly and being attacked, the officer still didn’t believe he was assaulted. “I can go have a conversation with them and see what they say,” the officer said and headed over to violent protesters to “get their side” even though the assault was clearly on video and one-sided against Elston. The officer proceeded to do nothing. While she was supposed to be “investigating” the violence, Elston is swarmed again, and police are seen standing around doing nothing while Elston is kept from reaching them. When he finally shoved his way out he finds another officer who wouldn’t admit Elston was under attack right in front of him.

“Am I allowed to come over there and talk to you or are you going to allow this mob to block my access?” said Elston. “What are you guys doing right now?” questioned Elston to the male officer who responded that he was “keeping the peace.”

“How are you doing that?” responded Elston as the police were clearly not stopping the aggressive mob. “I think you’re trying to be confrontational with me,” the officer said. The officer then claimed he wouldn’t speak to Elston unless he turned his camera off. “Your own recording is counterintuitive to what we are trying to do right now,” said the officer. “You’re just looking to be confrontational with me and you know you are,” he continued, refusing to do anything about the assault.


But then it got much worse. While police were still standing by doing nothing, Elston was violently attacked by a large man in a blonde wig screaming “F*CK YOU” over and over in his ear inches from his face. When the man grabbed Elston’s sign around his neck, Elston reached out an arm to fend off the attack. At that moment, the blonde man grabbed Elston, threw him to the ground, and punched him in the face. The female police officer who responded to the call can be seen laughing with glee during the attack and not trying to stop it as other officers rush forward. The officers refused to arrest the violent male trans-activist.

Elston announced a crowdfunding effort to sue the Vancouver police. A few hours later the Vancouver Police tweeted that they will be investigating this incident and arresting violent offenders. Elston says he’ll believe it when he sees it.


“We have launched an investigation into an incident that occurred at yesterday’s trans-rights rally at Grandview Park,” Vancouver Police wrote on Twitter. “We support everyone’s right to peacefully assemble and protest, but we will also hold people accountable for acts of violence and criminal behaviour.”

They should also investigate the responding officer who told Elston he was at fault for inciting the crowd with his signs and lying about his actions. She kept insisting he was “screaming” in people’s faces, which video evidence proves is false. She also admitted to believing that his signs incited people to violence. “When you get into people’s faces… it doesn’t matter who throws the first punch. That’s a consensual fight,” she falsely claimed. In another video, she tells the reporter that Elston’s signs incited violence.


She should also be disciplined for laughing while witnessing an assault.

“Did you just say he came here to incite violence by forcing his opinion on people?” a cameraman asked the officer. “Yes,” she responded. “How did you become a police officer?” asked the reporter. We’d all like to know the same thing.


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