
Upholding Biological Reality Is the New Conservative Mandate

AP Photo/Ted S. Warren, File

Donald Trump may have signed some executive orders protecting women’s sports and establishing that it is the policy of United State that there are only two genders that cannot be changed, but proponents of radical gender ideology haven’t given up. And it’s up to us to stop them in every way we can.

A key thing in the battle against this dangerous ideology is that if we give them an inch, they will take a mile. Believe me when I tell you, the moment you succumb to the concept of preferred pronouns, we’re losing the battle. 

Rep. Mary Miller (R-Ill.)  demonstrated she understands this perfectly.

In a move that has triggered the radical left, Miller, while speaking on the House floor, referred to Tim “Sarah” McBride (D-Del.), a transgender-identifying man, as "Mr. McBride." This straightforward declaration not only challenged the left’s narrative but also sparked an important conversation about gender and biological facts.

Upon winning his congressional seat in November, Democrats gushed over McBride making history even though men have always been able to be elected to Congress. But, of course, they saw his victory as “historic” because he suffers from gender dysphoria.

Miller’s remarks shouldn’t be controversial or even noteworthy, but sadly, we live in a time where we have chosen to capitulate to wokeness and transgender ideology. Knowing that there are Republicans who aren’t going to cave to this nonsense on the House floor is a big deal.

In a pointed post on X, Rep. Miller articulated her position with clarity: “Today on the House Floor, I refused to deny biological reality. President Trump restored biological truth in the Federal Government, and I refuse to perpetuate the lie that gender is open to our interpretation. It is not.” This assertion is what Republicans should embody in their response to radical leftism—standing firm on principles while engaging in the political discourse.

Never yield.

Miller’s bold stance underscores the urgent need for Republicans to show real political courage in the face of radical gender ideology. Instead of cowering or apologizing for speaking a simple truth, GOP leaders should take a page from her playbook. It’s time to confront the left’s attempts to twist reality and redefine gender into something nonsensical and perverse. 

With the left growing bolder in their denial of biological truths, Miller’s unwavering approach provides a vital opportunity for conservatives nationwide to take back the narrative. By firmly asserting biological reality, they can connect with an electorate that is tired of the incessant and convoluted demands of woke ideologies. 

In the end, while Rep. Mary Miller’s comments may have triggered the left, they should also rally those who believe in truth and integrity. I believe the Republican Party has a chance to regain the advantage on social issues, and standing up to the transgender cult is what we have to do.

No act of resistance against the transgender cult is too small.


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