The Left Wanted Trump Dead. What Are You Going to Do About It?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

The left hates us.

And if anything is clear after what happened last weekend, they will stop at nothing to preserve their own power. 

The attempt on Donald Trump’s life was the culmination of years of disgusting rhetoric and hatred directed at him. All of it is designed to preserve their own power. They created the Russian collusion hoax to undermine his presidency. They impeached him twice under false pretenses. They weaponized the justice system to throw him in prison. They tried to remove him from the ballot. 


The Democrats are the true threat to democracy, and their efforts nearly killed him. But make no mistake about it: this is bigger than Donald Trump.

"In the end, they're not coming after me. They're coming after you — and I'm just standing in their way," Trump said last year. 

He was right.

Now, all Republicans, all conservatives, and all freedom-loving Americans who just want to make America great again are in their sights. We're in the bullseye—to use Biden’s own words.

We have to fight back. It’s time to Fight! Fight! Fight! 

Here at PJ Media, we know what it’s like to be a target of the radical left. While it's nothing compared to an assassination attempt and the loss of life, we’ve been censored and demonetized for reporting on stories that don’t support the left’s preferred narrative. They’ve tried to silence us and make it impossible for us to operate. If they succeed, we won’t survive. 

That’s why your support is critical. The stakes couldn’t be higher, and at PJ Media, we’re committed to bringing you the unfiltered truth that the mainstream media refuses to cover. By becoming a VIP member today, you empower us to withstand the relentless attacks from the left and ensure our independent journalism thrives. For a limited time, we’re offering an incredible 60% discount for RNC week. For just $1.63 per month, you’ll unlock unlimited access to exclusive members-only content on PJ Media, including our lively and insightful comments section.


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