Sen. John Kennedy Responds to Cocainegate in a Way Only He Can

AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool

It’s clear to anyone who is paying attention that the Biden administration is actively trying to cover up the truth regarding the cocaine that was found in the White House. Not only has the story as to where the cocaine was found changed multiple times, but the administration also curiously refuses to explicitly deny that the cocaine belonged to a Biden family member and hasn’t committed to fully prosecuting the responsible party. Meanwhile, the White House is aggressively setting expectations really low as to whether the culprit will ever be found and blasting the media for questioning whether the cocaine may have belonged to a Biden family member (otherwise known as Hunter Biden.)


That cocaine was brought into the White House is a huge deal, and the administration is clearly treating this as a political story that it hopes it can quickly sweep under the rug rather than a security problem, which is very telling. Perhaps the reason is that it is unlikely that anyone other than a member of the First or Second Family would be able to get cocaine into the White House, because, as former secret service agent Dan Bongino noted, family members bypass the security checkpoints that other visitors must go through.

So while the administration is quickly trying to bury the story, it looks like the House Oversight Committee isn’t going to let it pass by, so we’ll see how that goes. One thing is clear: Republicans aren’t going to let this scandal go. In fact, Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) responded to the scandal on Saturday in a way that only he can.

During an appearance on Fox News, Kennedy was discussing Bidenomics, during which he made an epic quip about Cocainegate.

“He’s a nice guy, but when it comes to economics, President Biden is like a hog on ice,” Kennedy said. I would argue that a “nice guy” wouldn’t deny the existence of one of his own grandchildren, but I digress.


“I haven’t seen the news today. Did they find more blow in the White House, or are we still talking about the first stuff?” Kennedy quipped. “Look, I’ve been in the Situation Room. There are cameras everywhere. I’m pretty sure the Secret Service knows. I don’t know who did it. I don’t know whose blow it was.”

He continued, “I probably shouldn’t say this, but if my record was as bad as this White House’s record, I’d probably give my staff blow too.” He quickly added that he was only kidding.

He was quick to note that he was only kidding, but it was a great line. He also reminded the audience that “It’s never the crime; it’s the cover-up.”

“The White House could have handled this real simply by saying, ‘Hey, the Secret Service found some cocaine in the Situation Room. We don’t know how it got in here, but we’re going to find out. And as soon as we find out whose blow it is, we’re either going to fire them and/or prosecute them, and we’ll let you know.’ And then tell the American people the truth,” he added. “But this White House didn’t do that.”



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