There’s an App for That: Moms


It’s safe to say we’ve moved into an era in which we rely on our phones. Here are the top 5 apps I rely on as a mom. Did I mention these are all free?!

1. Voxer



 This little orange walkie talkie app is a life changer.  Not only can you talk in real time to another mom, you can send pictures or text messages as well–which comes in handy when you need a real-time pep talk because your two-year-old just drank the dog’s water. Best of all, because it’s like leaving a message, no one’s feelings get hurt if you can’t respond right away.

2. Accuweather


I’m new to this particular weather app, and boy am I glad I found it. It has a simple format, I can always tell what the temperature is, and the radar is straightforward. No more guessing whether it’s showing me past, present, or future weather (who has time for that nonsense?). You can easily decide if today’s play date will be inside or out.

3. Google Calendar or Cozi

download download

“Whatever calendar you use, use it with all your heart.” That’s a famous proverb of some kind, I’m sure. Especially when in a marriage. We use Google Calendar like it’s going out of style. If you’d like something a little more deluxe, Cozi is an excellent option, although it has more bells and whistles than we need right now, but we will be returning to it when the kids get older and we have more appointments to keep track of.


4. Any grocery-specific app (Kroger, Aldi, etc.)


This is a must for any serious grocery shopping Mama. Find whatever grocery store you frequent and install it on your phone. You’ll be happy you did.



I laughed at this when my husband suggested we start using it, even though I’m the queen of list-making. The beauty of is its secure, simple, list-sharing capability that let’s you push things off your desk to your honey (i.e., it’s a virtual honey-do list).


What apps do you find essential to your mom adventure?

Top image via Shutterstock



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