Good Friday Morning.
Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today:
- The president has no public events on his schedule
AMBER ALERT: Amber alert issued after 12-year-old girl goes missing from Virginia airport
Public enemy #1
Yesterday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders performed a beat-down on anti-Trump resistance activist Jim Acosta of the political street gang known as CNN. Sanders responded to a reporter during the presser who asked her if she thought the media was the enemy of the people.
“Ninety percent of the coverage on [Trump] is negative, despite the economy is booming, ISIS on the run and American leadership has been reasserted around the world. This week, the media refused to cover his remarks in Florida to highlight efforts on workforce development. The pooler for the press said there was no news made despite the fact that the governor of the state joined with dozens of businesses across the state of Florida to announce thousands of new jobs.”
“It may not be news in Washington, D.C., but it is news in the state of Florida that people who didn’t have a job before the president took office have better opportunity and the opportunity to have a job moving forward. That is actually real news. And it’s something that people in the state of Florida and across the country appreciate. It was totally ignored.”
“Not only that — a journalist on CNN claimed the president hadn’t taken questions in a week despite the fact that the same journalist did a live shot from the two press conference that the president had with the prime minister of Italy moments after making that accusation. With this misinformation and the lack of interest that is so pervasive in the media, it’s completely understandable for the president to be frustrated.”
And then Jim Acosta slithered into the conversation. You can watch Sanders take down Acosta:
Most of the media, especially the big news operations, do not see themselves as mere reporters of news. They are antagonistic activists, they are hostile, and they are vicious toward this administration. It’s not even a topic for debate anymore; you just need to watch the two minutes of hate every night on the “news,” which hosts a parade of over-the-top anti-Trump theatrics that are never challenged and never questioned. So now, big baby Acosta is pissy because the president has called him and his harpies out for gaslighting the public and ginning up the feeble-minded left. And after they’ve stirred up a big pot of sh!t stew for everyone to eat, they ignore or downplay the consequences of their incitement. Did they condemn the agitators who pushed and intimidated Betsy DeVos, screamed at Kristjen Nielson while she was eating dinner, or when Sarah Sanders and family were turned away at a restaurant? Remember how quickly the attempted assassination attempt by a resistance lefty maniac on Rep. Steve Scalise and other congressmen disappeared from the headlines? Did media outlets other than Fox News cover the teen who had someone snatch his MAGA hat off his head while he was quietly eating in a Texas restaurant? Do you remember all the coverage of the disabled teen who was kidnapped and beat up on a Facebook live stream while his captors tormented him for being a Trump supporter? Or when Antifa beats up people on campuses? There are more stories like this that get no media coverage. So spare me, Mr. Just The Facts.
I walked out of the end of that briefing because I am totally saddened by what just happened. Sarah Sanders was repeatedly given a chance to say the press is not the enemy and she wouldn't do it. Shameful.
— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) August 2, 2018
The WH needs to kick the press out. Acosta stormed out of the presser “in protest.” Let’s hope he doesn’t come back.
One Year After He Was Nearly Killed, Scalise Is Still Receiving Assassination Threats
Manafort trial update sponsored by Paul Manafort’s ostrich jacket
Judge Ellis Loses Patience with Mueller Prosecutors and Ends Court Early Over Major Screw-Up
Mueller seeks interview with Russian pop star who encouraged Trump Tower meeting
WOW THIS SEEMS REALLY IMPORTANT Suspected Russian spy caught working inside US Embassy in Moscow
The New York Times hires virulent racist
Lots of Twitter sturm und drang yesterday when it was discovered that The New York Times’ latest hire has a history of stone cold anti-white racist tweets. The NYT will not be firing her.
Last night on his show Tucker Carlson explained: “What we would like to see, though, is some honesty. Let’s stop lying for a minute. What Sarah Jeong said was wrong but only shocking because she expressed it so clearly. In point of fact, her views are commonplace in the American establishment.”
Are you noticing that most of the people who are punished for their “political” views are all on one particular side of the political aisle? Yeah, me too.
Picture of the day:

A tower of smoke pours from Cow Mountain as Burney, California firefighter Bob May keeps a watch on surrounding vegetation for spot fires during a wildfire off Scotts Valley Road, Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018, near Lakeport, Calif. (Kent Porter /The Press Democrat via AP)
Other morsels:
Remains from North Korea likely American soldiers who fought at Chosin Reservoir
Russia reaction shows gap between Trump and his top administration officials
Top intelligence officials make surprise visit to White House briefing to stress election security
Six questions about the brain-eating amoeba, answered
Longtime staffer for Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein was reportedly a Chinese spy
Hollywood power brokers keeping their distance from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Trump administration: ACLU, not government, should find deported parents
Outsider businessman wins Tennessee GOP governor’s primary
MEOW Republican National Committee tells donors to stay away from Koch network: ‘This is unacceptable’
Top New Hampshire Democrat Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges
It was only a matter of time: Latino Groups Go To War With Facebook For Requiring ID To Buy Political Ads
Cliven Bundy Vows To Fight DOJ Appeal Of Dismissal In Standoff Trial Case
Judge Dismisses Lawsuit Seth Rich’s Parents Brought Against Fox News
Texas gymnastics coach arrested, accused of child sex abuse
Chicago protesters demanding Rahm Emanuel’s resignation march to Wrigley Field, closing major roads
395 people sickened in McDonald’s salad outbreak
And that’s all I’ve got, now go beat back the angry mob!
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