Aiding and Abetting: Blogger Doxes Vance's Personal Info

Gareth Fuller/PA via AP

Ask any respectable historian, and they will tell you that propaganda works. Fear-mongering works, repetition works, hysteria works, lying works — it all works. People such as Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao used all of those things and more not only to acquire power but to punish and eliminate enemies. 


It is a deviant but effective formula for getting one segment of the population to view the other as less than human and fit only for banishment, imprisonment, or elimination. No wonder the Left has adopted it. Say something long enough, loud enough, and passionately enough while convincing the audience that they or their democracy is in mortal danger, and you will hit all the right triggers to create a mob.

In addition to the political aspects of these tactics, many people have a dormant tendency to let power go to their heads and inflict pain just because they enjoy the ability to control someone else.

Progressives have little, if any, regard for lives other than their own. This is illustrated by their all-of-the-above abortion policies and their calls for a cease-fire by Israel while promoting conflict escalation in Ukraine. It is illustrated by their promotion of surgeries and drugs to permanently and dangerously alter their bodies. It is illustrated by their willful ignorance of the violence and damage that has come with unchecked and illegal immigration.

Mix all of those ingredients together and bring them to a rolling boil, and you will create a demographic ideally suited for calling for the deaths of other people to prevent a conservative from occupying the Oval Office. I know I must sound naïve at this point, but I honestly did not think I would see the day that Americans would flirt with behavior on the level of people in Communist Russia, Mao's China, Hitler's Germany, or Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge. 


Granted, we aren't where those nations were yet, but there are too many people on the Left whose salivary glands are filling up their mouths with the prospect of killing political opponents. They may claim to have been speaking hyperbolically or state that they were trying to make a point about the dire situation we allegedly face, or they may conveniently gloss right over their comments. Besides, actions speak louder than words.

In this case, the action we are talking about is the doxing of vice presidential candidate JD Vance. Writing for the National Pulse, William Upton reports that a far-left blogger by the name of Ken Klippenstein took to his Substack this week to publish an internal Republican campaign vetting dossier on Vance. 

That dossier, which many believe was part of the hacking operation by Iran, is 271 pages in length and provides no salacious or damaging information, despite what the Democrats may have been hoping for. It does, however, contain Vance's social security number, personal phone number, email addresses, and home address. That is all the information anyone needs to assassinate Vance or his family members. That knowledge could not possibly have been lost on Klippenstein when he posted the information.

Upton writes:

While the materials do not appear to be the explosive exposé alluded to by some members of the corporate media who received the documents from Iranian agents who hacked the Trump campaign, the publishing of private and personal details is concerning. The American intelligence community has made it abundantly clear that there is a concerted effort by the Iranian Islamist regime aimed at assassinating President Trump in order to prevent him from retaking the White House.


Unsurprisingly, Klippenstein's former gigs include working at The Intercept and The Young Turks. 

Propaganda works. Rhetoric is powerful. It's so powerful, in fact, that we now have a group of people for whom the concept of murder is a perfectly legitimate form of political expression and even justifiable. These same people can look at themselves in the mirror, apparently unaware that they may be staring into the face of a future SS or Stasi officer. 

Again, we aren't there yet, but we are headed in that direction.


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