Weekend Parting Shot: Kamala Harris Has a Point

AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez, file

Happy Friday, Gentle Readers,

I hope this missive finds you well and that you are headed into a restful weekend. This will be the first weekend Mrs. Brown and I have had off at the same time in almost a month and will be able to talk to one another for more than two hours. With that in mind, I hope you will pardon me if, after this column, I drop off the radar. Of course, we'll be spending most of our time together attending business meetings, so I might have to add a few Nat King Cole songs in the background to keep the romance alive. 


Broken clocks and vice presidents

One of the things Rush Limbaugh did very well was creating nicknames for various left-wing politicians and personalities. He did it so well that he spawned a host of imitators. There was, and probably still is, no shortage of radio hosts following in Rush's creative footsteps. 

There is a website that provides links to conservative news outlets, and it has bestowed around three nicknames on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. But Harris is central to the news right now and Biden is still drifting in the atmosphere, so you see those nicknames ten or fifteen times on the page. A joke gets old pretty fast. And besides, between Biden and Harris, isn't there already enough material to go around?

The Vice President is known for her laugh, her love of Venn Diagrams and school buses, and her inability to navigate a simple paragraph without wandering off the map. Her handlers have also done a horrible job of keeping track of her speeches and comments over the years, even the ones that make sense. Our media overlords have had to work overtime to ensure that nothing comes back to bite the woman who would be president on the derrière. It hasn't worked.


It will be interesting to see what happens when and if this clip ever makes its way to the various precincts of the web:


On one hand, I doubt any progressive college students would appreciate Harris's remarks. On the other hand, as much as I hate to admit it, Harris has a point. Have you seen college campuses in the last decade or so? Some of the stuff students get up to these days makes the brothers of Delta Chi in "Animal House" look like the Heritage Foundation. Oh well, broken clocks and all of that. 

Wine recommendation

Because every wine has its time, and that time happens to be right about now. 

This week, I present you with the 2022 Root 1 Carmenere. 

While the name is a little unappetizing and the picture on the bottle invokes visions of Washington Irving or H.P. Lovecraft, this is a satisfying little Chilean red. It only set me back about $14 and has a bit of plum, a dash of berry, some spices, a little chocolate, and a nice, peppery finish. It is just acidic enough to make it stand out and hits the sweet spot between smoothness and tannins.

This wine would pair up nicely with a savory dish. Yes, you could drink it with a nice steak, but it will go with pork, and you might even try matching it up with a pizza that is heavy on mushrooms. Normally, you want to serve a Carménère at around 64-65 degrees, plus or minus, but we were drinking ours outside at the end of a long, hot day, so we broke with tradition and chilled it for about thirty minutes. Chilling certain reds for too long can change the taste of the wine, but in this case, no harm, no foul.


That's it for me. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you next time.


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