Weekend Parting Shot: Woman Plays All the Woke Cards During DUI Stop

Michael Anthony Adams /The Indianapolis Star via AP

Happy Saturday, Gentle Readers,

I apologize for my recent absence. My personal swamp has been full of alligators of late, so much so that a platoon of MAGA supporters would be unable to find the drain. But, at week's end, I have the chance to figuratively take pen in hand to help you wind up the week on a high note, more or less.


Recently, a video surfaced of a New Mexico woman who was pulled over on suspicion of DUI. And, to be fair, driving the wrong way down the street at night is a fairly reliable indicator that something is amiss. Upon being pulled over, the woman seemed pleasant enough, but, at the same time, she was holding a veritable full house of woke cards and managed to play every one of them during the stop. You can see for yourself below. 

(Warning: a language alert. Video credit to Cog's World)

First, three rum or cider drinks may not make everyone too tipsy to drive, but it is a heckuva start. Not only is the wrong-way driving a fairly obvious cue, but the fact that the car is simultaneously hers and not hers is a good tip. It is apparently Schrödinger's car. Another thing that they probably do not teach at universities anymore. Unless it is proved that Schrödinger actually identified as a cat. In a box. The odor of alcohol is also a no-brainer. 

The officer has the patience of Job. To tell the truth, I'm pretty sure Job would have just told her the fun was over and to get in the cruiser and start thinking about a bail bondsman. So, let's just tally her list of triggers, which the officer managed to avoid as if he were jogging through a pasture overrun with cow pies:

  • She's non-binary, so stop calling her ma'am. The officer is allowed to call her Kai.
  • She has social anxiety. The cop says he does as well. And if he has to deal with this kind of thing every night, it's no surprise.
  • She's indigenous, so is the cop colonizing the car?
  • She may have had a head trauma, but she definitely has mental trauma.
  • She is "intimidated" by the nystagmus test.
  • There's also an unidentified "bunch of sh*t" going around. Ah, of course. Something has happened to up the trauma level to DefCon 4. No word on what that is, but we should just take her word for it. After all, unidentified "sh*t" makes the best s**t for the best excuses. 
  • She continues to bring up the fact that it is non-binary and that she is triggered by the use of "ma'am." In fact, she can barely complete the Drunk Olympics because of the trauma.
  • Her generational trauma and PTSD kick in around white people and cops. That is nothing compared to the trauma of wrapping oneself around a telephone pole, or the trauma someone would have experienced being injured or losing a loved one because she was half in the bag behind the wheel. But what am I thinking? This is all about Kai!
  • She also is being "harassed." That's better than being loaded into an ambulance with a spatula.
  • When it becomes clear that she did not take the gold, silver, or bronze in the above-mentioned Olympics, Kai simply repeats the word "don't" over and over again. Kid, this is a DUI stop, not "Beetlejuice" or "Bloody Mary." And it isn't your 500-Level Womxyn Studies class. Despite what your professors told you, Kai, your powers do not work in the real world. As she is being cuffed, she starts to scream as if she will be sentenced to five years at Mar-a-Lago eating Big Macs with Trump and listening to Ben Shapiro podcasts.
  • Then there is, "I'm an indigenous person, like f**k you guys." Ah, the eloquence of the woke. Those words should be carved in stone, right next to "I have a dream" and "Ask not what your country can do for you." If for no other reason than to serve as a caution to future generations. 

As the video winds down, she trots out another laundry list of reasons why she should be able to drive drunk with impunity. And she accuses a cop of "feeling her up." This woman is a walking trigger warning. She may have lost the Drunk Olympics, but she certainly medaled in the Oppression Olympics. One wonders how she even manages to leave the house during the day. Appearing on Megyn Kelly's podcast, Charlie Kirk noted, "That behavior is trained on college campuses...which is 'it's not your fault,' it's find some sort of excuse, some sort of identity, some sort of badge." And he is right. There is an entire generation of people who have recently come into its majority that believe that their groins are the Axis Mundi. And they aren't going away anytime soon. Kai, or as some outlets have called her, Chai, should be thankful she was pulled over before a truly traumatic accident happened. The boys at the county morgue never ask about someone's pronouns. 

Wine Recommendation: Because that video triggered me. And probably you, too. 

Having married into an Italian family, I realized that I haven't covered any Italian wines. But my wife hates Chianti, so that narrows the field a little. She has a point. Any wine that comes in its own wicker basket is suspect in my book. Instead, I selected an Italian wine, namely the 2019 Monte Antico Toscana Sangiovese, Merlot, and Cabernet Sauvignon.


All in all, a very satisfying red blend. It offers just the right mix of all three grapes to produce a very subtle but tasty and extremely drinkable wine. Aged in oak barrels anywhere from one to two years, the wine has a hint of currants and cherry and just a dash of tobacco. I detected a little chocolate and vanilla nestled in between the red fruits The acidity and tannins hit right where they should, with just enough dryness to make it noticeable on the palate. It isn't overly aggressive, but it is not placid, either. This is a red that will pair well with grilled beef, but it would be an excellent companion with a pasta dish or work as an appetizer wine with a cheese plate. 

Depending on your location, this wine retails for around $12.00, making it an excellent and economical choice. Plus, it is from Tuscany, an area that I had planned to visit before I became a conservative writer and likely ended up on a bunch of federal lists, somewhere. Oh well, maybe after the election. I'm sure a Manchin/Romney ticket will do wonders for America. 

That's it for me. Enjoy your time off, and I'll see you next week. 


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