YouTube Age-Restricts Catholic Disney Documentary

(AP Photo/Francois Mori, File)

Last month, I stumbled across a story on CNS News about a documentary by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights called Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom. As a member of GenX, I watched The Wonderful World of Disney when it came on every Sunday night. It was the last thing I watched before going to bed. And there were a few years in which we saved all of our money for a trip to Walt Disney World in Orlando. We ate a lot of leftovers and skipped plenty of other things, but it was worth it for a few days in the Polynesian or Contemporary Resort and to wander around the Magic Kingdom. Of course, that was the ’70s, not the 2020s. And I’ve read a bio about Walt Disney and another about book about how Disney fared under Michael Eisner. So I was interested enough to spend 50 minutes watching the film.


The documentary starts with Prager U’s Will Whitt interviewing families and people around Orlando about what Disney could be doing better. One family said that Disney should go back to its roots. A young man commented that Disney should stick to entertainment. Others said that the company should stay away from politics. Throughout the film, various commentators discuss Disney’s accelerated drift away from family entertainment toward sexuality, gender propaganda, race, and politics. The film also talks about Disney’s links with China, the LGBTQ+ movement, and its political agenda. It even features Disney cast members who are opposed to the direction of the company. The documentary also pays particular attention to the DeSantis/Disney conflict.

The film is on YouTube, but it is age-restricted. This limits the reach of the video, and YouTube knows that. Being a product of the Catholic League, the film contains nothing offensive and nothing that would require an age restriction. However, it is highly critical of Disney and the cultural rot that sexualizes and politicizes people, specifically children. That stance, of course, is offensive to Alphabet/Google and the people who want to see America, and, for that matter, the world, continue a free-fall into chaos. In other words, it is offensive to those who position themselves as our cultural and intellectual overlords and who want us to believe that they are the majority.

Related: Disney Cast Members Who Don’t Buy Into the LGBTQ Agenda Make Their Voices Heard


Catholic League Communications Director Mike McDonald told Just the News:

We came into work a few weeks ago, and I noticed that YouTube had an age restriction. We had it embedded on our website, but when Youtube puts age restrictions on it, you can’t watch it as an embedded video. They said it wasn’t appropriate for children.

McDonald appealed the decision, noting that the platform has a carve-out for documentaries and educational pieces. He told YouTube, “This is what that video is. The documentary was vetted by lawyers … There’s nothing in this film that’s objectionable. No cursing, no nudity, no gratuitous violence. Just people talking about Disney.”  YouTube’s response was “We reviewed your content carefully, and have confirmed that it violates our Community Guidelines. We know this is probably disappointing news, but it’s our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all.”

Indeed, if you look for Walt’s Disenchanted Kingdom on YouTube, you will see that it has been hit with an age restriction, at least at the time this piece was written. YouTube claims that the content may be “inappropriate for some users.” Fortunately, you can watch the entire documentary below on Rumble.

Speeches have been made and articles have been written about how there is no end to the adult content available on YouTube that people of any age can easily access. Sexual, violent, and gender-related videos are abundant and free for watching. That’s what YouTube means by “safe for all.” YouTube doesn’t care if your kids see those things. But it does want to do what it can to silence voices that oppose the Left’s agenda.


What the film does is pull back the curtain to reveal things that hardened Disneyphiles don’t want to acknowledge and that Leftists don’t want you to see until it is too late — or simply bow down and accept because they come from the once-hallowed halls of Disney.


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