Why Is This Giant Teddy Bear Freaking People Out?

Amazon - Joyfay

Giant Teddy Bears are supposed to be adorable. It is nearly impossible to walk by one in a store and not give it a squeeze. So when people saw the 6.5 foot Teddy Bear advertised by Joyfay, they had no reason to think that their toy would be anything but cuddly and cozy. The doll, which costs $130, seems completely proportional in all of the pictures. But when these giant bears arrive at people’s homes, they quickly become the thing of nightmares.


Customers of Joyfay have been posting pictures online of their very own giant Teddy Bears — and not because they’re adorable. It turns out that Teddy has abnormally long legs, and it’s freaking people out.

One customer posted on Amazon, “All of the pictures are taken at angles so you can’t see that the bear is all legs. It’s [disproportional] and creepy. I feel [deceived] by the pictures. Considering returning.”

Another wrote, “I did not like it! Legs Are bigger than the body, IDK is just not what I was expected …”

But how creepy can a bear be? See for yourself.


Unsurprisingly, most of the 1-star reviews come from customers who were caught off-guard by the weird man-bear giant sitting in their homes. Buyer beware?


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