By Any Means Necessary, Trump or Biden Had to Go


I predicted on my obnoxiously pro-Trump, anti-pinko radio show last week that Joe Biden would drop out of the presidential race because his polls are lower than whale feculence and the Deep State can't believably cheat him into the White House again. We the People would never accept that President Koala Bear beat Trump;  many still do not believe he won in 2020.


When a bullet fired by a smelly, pimply-faced incel failed to kill President Trump, the writing was on the wall: Biden had to step down.

TINFOIL HAT-O-RAMA! Though Democrats had been asking Biden to step down for awhile, I find it odd he did so only after Trump survived a shot to the head.

The Deep State pulled every form of skullduggery they could think of to take Trump out of the 2024 race. They tried to bankrupt him with fines over a phantom "sexual assault" that allegedly occurred over 20 years ago. They decided he overestimated the value of his Mar-a-Lago home and fined him over $350 million, roughly $111 million more than the feds fined Boeing for two felony plane crashes that killed almost 350 people. To Marxists, enemies of the state are a bigger threat than planes that fall out of the sky.

FACT-O-RAMA! If you don't believe the Deep State waited until an election year to hit Trump with a bushel of charges to thwart his chances of winning, I'd like to sell you my invisible ogre "Bob," who will keep the kids off your lawn when you're not home.

The Marxists tried desperately for their preferred outcome: Putting Trump behind bars. They thought they could wound the man's chances of winning -- and his ego -- by releasing his headshot moments after it was taken. Little did they know Trump would use that picture for a fundraising tsunami. The leftists also had no idea this would lead a large chunk of the black male vote to swing toward Trump.


FACT-O-RAMA! We still haven't seen Hunter Biden's mugshot. Weird, right?

I suspect Trump's massive rally in the South Bronx, known as a Democrat stronghold since the Ice Age, terrified leftoids, who always banked on the five boroughs of New York City for votes. Pulling that off on Staten Island would have been one thing, but for Trump to go into the belly of da Bronx and knock an Aaron Judge-style grand slam likely sent AOC into her panic room.

Then there is the SNAFU that took place in Butler, PA.

We don't know all the details of the assassination attempt on Trump yet, and with the FBI investigating it we likely never will. All that matters is Trump is alive and hopefully stays that way.

FACT-O-RAMA! If the shooter was a Republican we would likely know his sp*rm count and credit score, but we've heard so little information about him it reminds me of the FBI's investigation into the trans maniac who shot six people in a Christian school last year.

Now that the court cases are mostly over and Trump is still wealthy and, more importantly, alive, the Deep State has to switch to Plan BBB: Bye-bye Biden.

FACT-O-RAMA! There is NOTHING funnier than Dems saying, "Biden was very successful, but since the polls show half the nation hates him we are kicking him to the old Marxists' home."

The street commies on Facebook are now rooting for Kamala Harris, whose polls are lower than Biden's. I'll be shocked if she gets the nod. One thing I do know is that the voters will not decide who is on the ticket; the Deep State will.


DEMOCRACY-O-RAMA? The Democrats have a history of rigging elections, even primaries. Just ask Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donna Brazile.

The Dems' bench is weak and, even worse, full of globalist, pinko lizard people. 

As a Michagander, I can't find many who support Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Gavin Newsom turned California into a third-world ordure orifice. If you suggest Pete Buttigieg, I will unfriend you on Gettr.

Look for the left to find a globalist who charades as a moderate.

Your purple-haired something-in-law will always vote Democrat. Hopefully, the rest of the Dem voters can recognize a commie train wreck when they see it and vote to close the border, stand up to China, dodge WWIII, and Make America Great Again.


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