
It's Not 'Conservatives' and 'Liberals,' It's Patriots and Communists

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

I've always said that those who control the language will control the narrative.

I recently had a lib ask me where I stand on "reproductive rights." I responded by asking, "Do you mean abortion?" I refused to allow my friend to frame the debate her way.  

Abortion isn't "reproductive rights" or "women's healthcare." Abortion is aborting a life. But when you soften the language to cloak an ugly truth, you no longer deal with reality. I went on to prove to her that abortion is, in most cases, nothing more than birth control for two people who acted irresponsibly.

This is why you see purple-haired freakshows trying to turn pedophiles into "minor-attracted persons" (MAPs) or, even more sinisterly, "non-offending, minor-attracted persons." To me, that's nothing more than a pedophile who has yet to cave to his compulsions and brutalize a child. Would you let your daughter hang out with a "non-offending rapist?"

Also for our VIPs: Why Are Democrats So Eager to Protect Pedophiles?

FACT-O-RAMA! When you see leftists trying to soften the language — and control it — regarding pedophiles, you know everything you need to know about their vile plans.

It's time to take control of the narrative. 

The term "liberal" no longer works. Would a liberal person fight for the "right" of a confused, or more likely an attention-starved, 14-year-old boy to ginsu off his p***s? The word "progressive" doesn't work, either, as there is nothing "progressive" about firing someone from their job for seeing the sickness in allowing, or worse, urging a kid to Hassam-chop his junk. This is the type of brutality Dr. Mengele would love to have sunk his teeth into.

Does opposing this inhumanity make us "conservative?" No, it makes us humans, and it makes them animals.

The monikers "conservative" and "liberal" both have to go. 

Why does believing in the Constitution somehow make us conservatives? The Constitution grants us liberties few people around the globe are free to enjoy. The document and the liberties it grants We the People are, if anything, wildly liberal in the context of the history of humanity. If the left is so "liberal," why does it want to destroy the document that gives it liberties? Those people are communists which, in my book, are nothing more than poorly-dressed Nazis.

FACT-O-RAMA! Nazi uniforms were created by the future legendary clothing designer, Hugo Boss.

We so-called conservatives fought against the blatant tyranny of the COVID lockdowns and the liberties stolen from us. It was the alleged liberals who bent their knees and raised their sleeves to our government's response to COVID, which was nothing more than a dress rehearsal for communism. Why would they do that? Because people who are scared or weak are easily controlled.

SHELL GAME-O-RAMA! Don't let your government fool you. COVID didn't steal our liberties, it was our government's response to COVID that did.  

So-called "liberals" squealed when I dared to defy the government and walk 15 feet to what used to be a men's room in a restaurant without donning my useless Fauci face diaper. Real liberals — those who love liberty — would have joined me. 

TYRANTS-O-RAMA! Our government knew in May of 2020 that 66% of COVID hospitalizations were from people who were locked down, yet Democrats continued many lockdown protocols for well over a year after that. So-called "conservatives," like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, granted his constituents their God-given liberties.

There is nothing liberal about throwing away your liberties and nothing conservative about fighting to keep them. Would "conservatives" dress as Indians and throw tea into the Boston Harbor? Not likely. I also posit that those who supported the king during the Revolution were far more conservative than the patriots who put their fortunes and lives on the line to fight for their freedoms. 

If you are reading this, you are a patriot. You've paid the VIP charge to keep PJ Media and the freedom of speech/freedom of the press in business. For that, I thank you. Those working to shut us down are not liberals; they are seething communist stool samples who don't want us to share ideas that they can't stomach. They hate us; we pity them.

You believe in free speech while the commies on the left want to shut it down. You know the citizens need to be armed; otherwise, the Constitution — which grants us liberties in a historically unique way before or since its writing — means nothing if we can't fight tyrants when they try to enslave us, which they currently are. 

Reminder: please remain peaceful. Don't take the bait. They want us to get violent so they can throw us into a gulag. We can handle this attack on our culture and freedoms without guns, though if you want to get some more ammo, that's not a bad plan. If the left becomes violent and self-defense is called for, street communists are less likely to attack you if they know they'll be greeted with a kiss of Second Amendment love.

MATH PROBLEM-O-RAMA!  If sound travels at a speed of 761 miles per hour, light travels at the speed of 670 million miles per hour, and your typical AR round flies at 3,000 feet per second, will a marauding Antifa sally who kicks in your door to kill your family even hear the bullet as it punctures his muscle- and gluten-free center mass region?

The leftoids are now nothing more — or less — than communists. I will also accept the terms "pinkos," "bolshies," and any other word that describes what they truly are — liberty-haters.

You aren't a conservative; you're a patriot. You always have been. This is our new label. Let's own it and earn it, patriots.


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