Are Dems and Republicans Working Together to Clear the Presidential Slate for the Young Turks?

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What with writing here at PJ Media, my comedy schedule, my daily radio show, and 5:30 cocktail hour—followed by tipsy eBay shopping—I sometimes struggle to find time for a shower.


I can't be the only person who thought it weird that the governors of two of our largest states took time off from what I am sure are hectic schedules to prepare for and "perform" a televised debate, especially considering Florida's Ron DeSantis is getting clown-slapped by Trump in the primary race and Gropey Joe Biden claims his wrinkled, octogenarian as* is gunning for a sequel term, and thus California's Gavin Newsom won't even be an also-ran.

Why would two busy dudes take the time?

I also find it intriguing that Trump's other runners-up, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, and "don't tell me he isn't being funded to go after Trump" Chris Christie meet regularly to throw mosquito punches at each other.

Who has the time to debate if the debates are "meaningless"?

My Spidey sense tells me these debates are anything but inconsequential.

Is it possible the donkeys and elephants are working together to flush Trump and Biden out of Washington, D.C., permanently? Did the Democrats secretly ask the GOP to weaken Joe so that he can't possibly run in 2024? In return, did the GOP task the Dems with attacking outsider, populist Trump in multiple civil and legal cases, as well as fight to keep him off ballots in as many states as possible? This smells like the work of the Uniparty to me.


Am I also the only "tinfoil nutjob" who thinks it's weird that South Carolina's Sen. Mollycoddle Graham can look at the truckload of evidence against the Biden crime/racketeering/spy ring, including IRS whistleblowers, wire transfers from commies, the testimony of various former business associates, 20ish shell companies, texts, emails, and roughly 150 Suspicious Activity Reports and say, with a straight face, he hasn't seen a "smoking gun" to send the Bidens to Leavenworth? Much like gas station chili and the 2020 election, I ain't buying it.

I believe the lizard-Americans in Washington, D.C., provide us with enough "bread and circuses" to keep us distracted as they engage in worldwide evils most of us can't imagine. 

FACT-O-RAMA! As a recent PJ Media commenter recently stated, the lefty, "sanctuary states" are hoovering millions of illegal immigrants, knowing the Census Bureau counts people—not citizens —when deciding how many Representatives each state will get. Most of us are too busy watching a "circus" to see this scam.

Speaking of evil, we've seen what happens to presidents who don't play along with the military-industrial complex. I wrote about it here: Ike Was Right: The Military-Industrial Complex Has Become a Serious Problem

Presidential primaries are for citizens to decide who will go to the big game. I can't help but wonder if we are being "circused" while the DNC and GOP are making decisions We the People are not involved in, like who will actually be on the 2024 presidential ballots. 


The Republican primary polls show Trump is in a position to spank his competition. Biden's performance poll numbers are in the toilet, and the DNC knows cheating to put the Geezer-in-Chief back for round two is a dangerous game, especially in a nation full of people who embrace liberty, democracy, and the 2nd Amendment. 

DISCLAIMER-O-RAMA! I am NOT suggesting violence. Far from it. The last Civil War killed over 600,000 men or roughly 2% of the nation's population. That's about 6 million people by today's standards. 

Presidential theatrics are nothing new. There is ample evidence, as reported by Tucker Carlson, that the CIA took out Nixon because he knew they killed JFK:

Robert Kennedy, Jr. has gone on record to say he believes the CIA killed his father. 

Whether these claims are true or not, one can't help but remember the old saying, "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it." 

Speaking of political theatrics, watch this video President Trump played showing bungling Biden and tell me there isn't someone behind him pulling strings ala Edith Wilson style.


Then check out this one.

I believe that between the Uniparty, the Chinese commies, Mein Klaus Schwab and his pandemic producers, and the 2024 election, we are going to see some antics we were taught as kids only happen in third-world nations and George Orwell novels.


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