Michigan State University (MSU) issued its latest style guide and Chairman Mao couldn’t be happier.
FACT-O-RAMA! There were 45 goals of communism entered into Congress in 1963. #17 states: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”
The style guide is updated yearly and appears easily translatable from its original Chinese (that’s a joke… I think… ). The new additions are sure to annoy you—and brainwash your kids—who are forced to toss the 1st Amendment into the trash lest they “offend” the school’s incoming milksops.
The words are broken down into categories.
For instance, you could earn the labels racist, sexist, or ableist for spewing the following profanity:
- cakewalk
- tipping point
- bonkers
- rule of thumb
Apparently, MSU is expecting a wave of thumb-free students.
DIGIT-O-RAMA! Roughly 1 in 100,000 people are born with thumb ypoplasia, a deformed or missing thumb. MSU currently has 50,023 students. Odds are, they all have two,
normaloops, unexceptional thumbs.
Winter is clearly a grim time for some snowflake students and MSU’s grinches have declared ye shall not blaspheme by using the following utterances:
- merry
- Christmas trees
- wreaths
There’s more! The words “holly,” “reindeer,” “bells,” “bunnies,” (really??) “chicks,” “eggs,” (oh come ON) and “gifts” are also verboten.
The words “frontier and “pioneer” might offend a squaw, so don’t use them.
The word “terrorist” won’t be used as it might offend the terrorist who shot eight people at MSU in February of this year.
Black Is the New Black
MSU has decided what to call the humans formerly known as “African Americans.”
Black vs. African American
Although “Black” and “African American” are often used interchangeably to describe people of African descent in the U.S., current best practice is to use “Black” rather than “African American” whenever identity preferences are unknown. As always, follow a person’s preference in how they want to be identified. For example: Black, African American, Afro-Latino, Caribbean American.
Use Black as an adjective in a racial, ethnic, or cultural sense (e.g., “Black authors”). Never use it as a standalone noun (e.g., “a Black”).
Capitalize the “b” in “Black.” This is a recent change among many news organizations, such as The Associated Press and The New York Times. This is a change that many people have sought for years to better represent a shared culture rather than just a skin tone.
Needless to say, the MSU harpies have again thrown women under the bus. The harridans demand its soldiers students avoid using vulgarisms such as “women,” “pregnant women,” and “mothers.” Instead, they are forced to use the words “people who can become pregnant,” “pregnant people,” and “patients.”
More Insane Changes
Fat kids are now “students of size.” I’m not kidding.
Illegal immigrants are now “aspiring citizens.”
Girlfriends/boyfriends are now “partners.”
The style guide commie manifesto goes on for days. The change that steams my clams the most is this one: students are told not to use the word “America.”
IMPORTANT REMINDER-O-RAMA! Commie goal #17 states: “Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.” PLEASE TELL ME YOU SEE THIS.
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