The domestic intelligence agencies of both the U.S. and England issued a joint statement telling us what PJ Media readers have known for a long time: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is the biggest threat to the world as we know it. They are infiltrating our schools, businesses, and infrasctructure.
- CCP spies are probing every sector of the U.S. and UK economies.
- Chinese spies are believed to have hacked tens of thousands companies around the world last year.
- Businesses are encouraged to work with the FBI or MI5 to prevent further attacks/extortion attempts.
MI5’s Director-General, Ken McCallum, had this to say:
The most game-changing challenge we face comes from the Chinese Communist Party. It’s covertly applying pressure across the globe. This might feel abstract. But it’s real and it’s pressing. We need to talk about it. We need to act.
FBI Director Chris Wray added this:
We consistently see that it’s the Chinese government that poses the biggest long-term threat to our economic and national security, and by ‘our,’ I mean both of our nations, along with our allies in Europe and elsewhere.
We would never have Americans going full commie-tard here in the states, right? Not so fast, comrade.
We have a lot of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments opening in businesses, schools, governmental agencies, and political affiliations around the country. Their job is to make sure YOU abide by THEIR rules of wokeness. THEY decide what is and isn’t “racist.” If you don’t bend the knee and play along, you can be punished, re-educated, or fired. That sounds very Marxy to me. Especially the “re-educated” part.
PINKO-RAMA! A right-leaning teacher was sent to “re-education training” after providing a trans student with a destransitioning website. The phrase, “re-education training” is about as commie as it gets. FYI, the student’s parents had no idea their child was considering this life-altering decision in the first place. The school did not alert them. Seprating kids from their parents is also a bolshie tactic.
Speaking of annoying commies, NPR scrapped their 33-year tradition of reading the Declaration of Independence on July 4th for a discussion on “equality.”
CCP Agents Among Us
Wray also stated that there are reasons to believe China is separating their economy from western economies, which may be a sign China is preparing to invade Taiwan.
Chinese secret police are also targeting Chinese nationals living abroad whom they consider to be enemies of the state, going so far as to harrass and intimidate certain individuals.
Yan Xiong is a Democrat candidate running against former NYC mayor Bill De Dlasio for a House seat that represents thousands of Asian people in in lower Manhattan and Brooklyn. Unlike comrade De Blasio, Xiong is vehemently anti-communist. He was a student protestor in the Tianamen Square stand-off, and the Chi-coms aren’t happy with him. They don’t want him to win. They want him in prison.
A Chinese infiltrator, Lin Qiming, hired a private investigator (PI) to produce “proof” of tax evasion, child pornography, and prostitution against Xiong in hopes of scuttling his election chances and sending him to prison. Lin went so far as to suggest the PI physically assault Xiong.
“But in the end, violence would be fine too,” Lin stated in a voicemail. “Beat him until he cannot run for election.”
Lin was arrested. Xiong’s campaign is still on.
Despite dire warnings from the FBI, the Biden administration “shockingly” ended President Trump’s broad, anti-Chinese espionage campaign, the China Initiative. Why? Accusations of racism. Let me guess: Chinese spies complained they were victims of racism. Tell me again how DEI offices aren’t communists in plain sight.
Related: Wake Up Patriots: The Commies Are Winning
The commies are here, and Democrats like Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Rep. Eric Swallwell are making their jobs easy. (Both were found to have Chinese spies operating in their inner circles). Yet lefty voters keep electing them. What can you do to fight back?
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