Today the Supreme Court buried Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, the preclearance provisions which give the federal government power to approve election law changes in 15 states. After the decision, the leading left wing groups held a conference call to gripe and plot about the decision. I was listening.
Among the speakers were Wade Henderson (the cat still has his tongue), Nina Perales of MALDEF (M stands for Mexican), the bitter Barbara Arnwine and the radical law professor Sherrilyn Ifill.
You can read my live tweets at my Twitter feed here.
One of the speakers obviously was unable to mute their phone, because call participants (including media) were treated to the sound of one of the speakers going to the bathroom. Then, the Big Flush, and the sound of federal oversight of state elections flushing away.
Perhaps next conference call, either participants will get instructions on how to mute their phone, or refrain.
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