I COULD USE SOME OF THAT EXTRA TIME: “There just might be a way for white holes to form in the Universe. According to a new, highly theoretical paper, the hypothetical objects may result from a kind of quantum ‘bounce’ at the heart of a black hole, spewing not just matter but time itself from the depths.”

WORST. HITLER. EVER: What? TrumpHitler Didn’t Explode and Have Reporter Arrested?

Funny thing happened yesterday … a reporter inadvertently smacked President Trump in the face with a microphone. And who knew that the Left’s fascist.racist.sexist.authoritarian boogeyman reacted like every real dad out there.

Outside the fever swamps of the Left-infected Democrats and their comrades, people have for years known that Trump is an actual human being who can (and has) acted with great humor as the occasion warrants.

The fuzzy end of the extended microphone – sometimes referred to as a “dead cat” in the industry – struck the 45th and 47th president in the mouth and slid across part of his face as he closed his eyes and leaned back to avoid further contact.

Trump, 78, glared at the reporter and raised both eyebrows in apparent amusement as the mic was quickly pulled away.

“She just made television tonight,” the president quipped, apparently referring to the clumsy reporter. “She just became a big story tonight.”

Roll tape!

Exit quote: “I’m sure the reporter who committed the boop heard round the nation is pretty happy right now that the Cartoon Hitler the Democrats pound on 24/7 is nothing more than their own anger at losing power.”


FLASHBACK TO 2009: “Well, shut his mouth: Blabbering Joe Biden was a swine flu dope,” said a New York Daily News editorial from Apr 30, 2009. It made for fascinating reading on this day in 2020, staring down the barrel of near-universal lockdowns:

You don’t get dumber than Joe Biden was yesterday in urging, in effect, a shutdown of air travel and, worse, the abandonment of mass transit in New York in response to the swine flu outbreak.

Less than 12 hours after President Obama urged calm — along with hand-washing and covering the mouth when coughing — there was Biden on the “Today” show, pleased as punch to be on national television with Matt Lauer and ready to incite the American public to panic.

We quote: “I would tell members of my family — and I have — I wouldn’t go anywhere in confined places now. It’s not going to Mexico, it’s you’re in a confined aircraft when one person sneezes it goes all the way through the aircraft. That’s me. I would not be, at this point, if they had another way of transportation, suggesting they ride the subway. So from my perspective, what it relates to is mitigation.

“If you’re out in the middle of a field and someone sneezes, that’s one thing. If you’re in a closed aircraft or a closed container, a closed car, a closed classroom, it’s a different thing.”

Let’s keep all the kids home from school, why don’t we?

And destroy the already crippled world economy.

And kiss all we know and love about New York goodbye. Like our jobs.

Later, after someone read him the “Idiot’s Guide to Public Health Procedures for Powerful Politicians,” Biden dispatched aides to say he didn’t mean to say what he said. The aides had to say that because saying what Biden said made him a jerk.

Read the whole thing.

COVID FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY: Cayman Government: No More Cruise Ships. “As of Monday, there will be no travel allowed from European Union countries as well as Japan, Korea and Iran. The UK, US and Jamaica were not included in the list as of Friday, but the premier said more countries could be added in the coming days.”

JULIO ROSAS: (No) Thanks For The Memories: Black Lives Matter Plaza Is Finally Gone.

As I said on my X account, it’s crazy to think a movement that fomented destructive riots for nearly a year, including in that very location, was rewarded with a plaza right outside the White House. People truly lost their minds that year, and many never recovered.

The health care profession lost a great deal of trust by enthusiastically endorsing such antics, only a few months after locking down the entire country: At the Apex of the Pivot.

As Greenwald wrote in his follow-up tweet, “That episode single-handedly destroyed trust in public health officials, proving they’d politicize their expertise when convenient. Corporate media celebrated a douchebag-lawyer shaming families at deserted beaches, then — overnight! — cheered densely packed street protests.”

Related: look Back In Anger: Nellie Bowles’ Morning After The Revolution Documents the Insanity that was 2020.


Glenn dubbed it the “Question of the Decade” back then. A few days earlier, Iowahawk spotted some other now-questionable urban leftist shibboleths:


DOGE: The Early Years.

Remember, it’s Obama, Biden, Clinton and Gore approved!

UPDATE: Why does this leftist hate so many of her party’s recent leaders?