During a town hall meeting in Yuma County, Arizona Republican Senator John McCain responded to a question about the ATF/DOJ Fast and Furious scandal:
“It should not be so easy for these people to come and buy guns in the United States and send them down to Mexico.”
McCain added:
“I am a staunch advocate of the second amendment — don’t get me wrong I have a perfect record from the NRA — but we need to do what we can to make sure someone can’t come to a gun show or some place and exploit a loophole.”
What McCain means by “loophole” is his desire for background checks on all gun sales at gun shows. Currently, private citizens can sell guns without a FBI background check, unlike licensed gun retailers who are required to do so. Herein lies McCain’s…er…lie.
In his 2004 senatorial campaign, the NRA gave McCain a “C” grade. This improved to “B+” for McCain’s 2010 senate run. One grading criteria is support for continued protection of private gun sales.*
Let’s not forget McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance “reform,” which primarily benefited Democrats and restricted the NRA’s First Amendment rights during the election season.
Most grading scales consider a “B+” to be around 87-89.9% correct. “Perfect” would be 100%.
In the 2010 elections, the NRA gave 9 senators and 14 congressmen A+ grades, which means:
A legislator with not only an excellent voting record on all critical NRA issues, but who has also made a vigorous effort to promote and defend the Second Amendment.
This doesn’t describe John McCain. Hey John, are your pants smoking yet?
* Must be NRA member to access grading archives.
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