Sexist Canadian 'Feminists' Call Others Sexist

So women “feminists” (more like female-privileged fascists ) are protesting austerity in Canada by proclaiming it sexist and chanting that the police are sexist, too:


A demonstration “banning” men was held in downtown Montreal Tuesday night by a feminist group opposing the Couillard government’s austerity measures.

Several hundred women gathered at Norman-Bethune Square near Concordia University for the protest.

A strong police protest observed from both sides of the march, which began by heading north on Guy St. At times, the women chanted “Sexist police sexist, feminist resistance.”

The organizers had warned on Facebook that male protesters and journalists would not be tolerated in the march. The event was trans inclusive.

Many feminists prefer to gather in same-sex environments, organizers explained on the Facebook group dedicated to the event, to justify their refusal to accommodate male protesters.

One person was arrested for a P6 municipal violation. The protest ended before 11 p.m.

Since the protests against austerity began, several feminist groups have emerged to protest government decisions and the impact they have specifically on women.

The Quebec Women’s Federation recently said that the cuts to the state affect women disproportionately, because they make up 75 per cent of personnel in public sector jobs.

This is rich: 75% of women are in these public sector jobs, meaning that the jobs are only made up of 25% men. So women are now protesting that their disproportionate share of these jobs getting cuts is sexist, but apparently it’s not sexist to have it only be 25% men making up the jobs in personnel. Also, I wonder how many of these female-dominated state jobs in Canada are being funded by male taxpayers. Maybe Canadian men should just go on strike and let the female taxpayers pick up the slack to help their “sisters.” Maybe Canadian men are already going on strike as their employment rates are sinking while women’s rates are increasing:


Employment has grown more rapidly among women than men. Between 1976 and 2012, the employment rate for women rose from 41.9% to 57.9%, a 16.0 percentage point increase. On the other hand, the employment rate for men declined by 6.9 percentage points from 72.7% in 1976 to 65.8% in 2012.

Update: I will be on CJAD in Montreal at 10 eastern this morning.

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