"The world would be a better place if men thought more like women...."

A reader sends in an article from the Harvard Business Review:

Here we have the dynamics of a new economy colliding with the old establishment like tectonic plates. But as developed nations restructure from manufacturing to knowledge and services, my bet is on the moms, or more specifically, women — and men who can think like them. Survey data my colleague Michael D’Antonio and I gathered from 64,000 people in nationally representative samples in 13 countries — from the Americas and Europe to Asia — point to widespread dissatisfaction with typically “male” ways of doing business and a growing appreciation for the traits, skills and competencies that are perceived as more feminine.

The results, published in our new book The Athena Doctrine, reveal that 57% of people were dissatisfied with the conduct of men in their country, including 79% of Japanese and South Koreans and more than two-thirds of people in Indonesia, Mexico, U.K and the United States. This sentiment is amplified among the millennial generation (young men and women age 18-30) of whom nearly 80%are dissatisfied — most notably in highly masculine societies like Brazil, South Korea, Japan and India.

If people have grown cold on male-dominated structures and leadership, they offer a solution: Two-thirds of survey respondents felt that “The world would be a better place if men thought more like women”, including 76% of the French and Brazilians and 70%of Germans. Those stats include majorities of men who equate masculine incumbency with income disparity, continuing high levels of unemployment and political gridlock.


Apparently, according to this dippy Uncle Tim author and his research, the female ethos includes ridiculous catch phrases such as “Empathy is Innovation” or “Vulnerability Is Strength.” Really? Empathy is innovation? Vulnerability is Strength? Empathy did not develop the computer: hard work and talent did. Steve Jobs was apparently a “jerk” but he was able to build a company that now helps people all over the world. All of the people around the world who benefit from Apple may not have been able to do so had Jobs been more concerned with empathy than success. Imagine if Jews were told “Vulnerability is Strength” during World War II.

It’s easy to throw out a bunch of cheap slogans currently but when the shit hits the fan–like it did during 9/11 or when it comes to real innovation and skill, such as performing surgery or emergency services–these slogans become nothing more than a politically correct mantra with little meaning. The problem is, by constantly emphasizing that men’s traits are negative ones that ruin the world, we may see them become more and more extinct and unavailable at a time when we need them the most. More and more young people, the article says, dislike the “conduct of men” but I wonder if we only allow the conduct of women to be expressed what we will be left with. How men like the author can not only go along with this, but encourage it is not only disturbing, but disgusting. It is misandry at its worst.



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