After a Six-Month Investigation, British Police Determine That Silent Prayer Is Not a Crime. Or Is It?

AP Photo/Matt Dunham, File

In a scandal that gained worldwide attention, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was arrested last year in the United Kingdom's West Midlands for the crime of silently praying near an abortion clinic. She carried no sign, said nothing out loud, and did not trespass. She did not violate any of the laws that exist in England and the United States that currently outlaw free speech near abortion killing centers.


The police approached her and asked her what she was there for and if she was protesting. She said there was an abortion center here, and no, she was not protesting. "I'm praying in my head," she said. That did it, and she was arrested. What did they book her for? She had committed silent prayer, the ultimate thoughtcrime.

You can watch the whole arrest here: 

 Governments around the world demand silence near abortion clinics. Nothing must disturb the solemn work of the assassins inside as they administer their dark sacrament of death. Nothing must remind the hit men or those who pay them of the specter of guilt that haunts them. Nothing must be able to awaken consciences.

Before killing a child, everyone involved must first kill their conscience. That is the first thing to die. Even the presence of one young girl "praying in her head" is enough to awaken guilt. 


That is why the Democrat National Convention has dropped the mask of wanting abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare." The shout-your-abortion rhetoric and the offer of free on-site abortions are not about getting Democrats to love abortion more than they already do. This is a display of mass hysteria. It is a mass guilt cacophony designed to drown out the voice of conscience in millions of mothers and fathers who destroyed their preborn children. 

After completing a six-month investigation, the UK police have now determined that Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was falsely arrested. She committed no crime while praying in her head. Figuring that out was certainly six months of police work misspent. In a normal world, that investigation would have taken six minutes.

According to the Daily Telegraph, after claiming two wrongful arrests, false imprisonment, assault and battery over an intrusive bodily search, and a human rights violation, police dropped charges. In addition, this young Catholic lady was awarded £13,000. 

Lord David Frost, who helped lead the public campaign against this outrage, thinks the battle is not over. He expressed concern that Parliament would not only ban free speech around abortion clinics but might now move to ban free thought in the form of silent prayer. 

Related: '1984' Is Now as Britain Outlaws Thinking the Wrong Thoughts

As a member of Parliament, he has a good sense of how far things could go in a country with no guarantee of freedom of speech. By definition, an abortion culture must be totalitarian in its impulses. Abortion power cannot exist side by side with free speech, free thought, or even silent prayer. It needs to silence anything that inflames raw consciences and awakens unresolved guilt in the millions of families damaged by abortion. 


In the United States, that may be why, after politically stabbing primary winner President Joe Biden in the back, the Democrat Party is dead set on giving its nomination to its own version of Lady Macbeth, Vice President Kamala Harris. She certainly LOVES abortion. And, as attorney general in California, she waged lawfare to punish those who uncovered Planned Parenthood's large fee structure for repackaging dead preborn children for "research." And so, true to form, Harris hates free speech, too. 


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