Interim Census Bureau Report Shows Red States on a Roll

(AP Photo/Michelle R. Smith)

The U.S. Census Bureau is in need of serious reform. The agency has one job to do. It is outlined in the Constitution. Count the population. In the last census, it got 14 states wrong. But as we have seen with recent bogus employment numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that misstated growth by, say, 99%, the U.S. government employees many people charged with counting who need to go back to watching Sesame Street. Or maybe they need to simply to observe the Constitution and obey the law.


Their most recent interim Census Bureau report states, “Growth in Texas last year was fueled by gains from all three components: net domestic migration (230,961), net international migration (118,614), and natural increase (118,159).” No one wants to question the honesty, integrity, and intelligence that went into creating these numbers, but let’s do a little off-the-cuff math. The U.S. Border Patrol currently estimates that 10,000 illegal aliens cross the border from Mexico daily, not counting the unknown number of got-aways. Presuming Mexico is a foreign country and therefore international, 10,000 goes into 118,614 about 12 times. Even if you accept a much lower number of illegals crossing into Texas, the Census Bureau number makes no sense unless you presume there are no longer 365 days in a year. Even if you accept only 2 million illegal crossings, are only 5% ending up in Texas? The Census Bureau may well argue they have a special way of scientific counting. Very special. One might call it precious.

Correcting possible fakery at the Census Bureau should be a top priority in the new Republican House of Representatives. Their bungling in the last census likely cheated the South out of congressional seats, while rotten boroughs in New York were overcounted. As long as the Census Bureau remains unreformed, one-man-one vote, as decreed by the Supreme Court in the 1964 Civil Rights case Wesberry v. Sanders decision, is a dead letter. In that case, Democrats had ignored population losses in their strongholds to keep the upper hand in redistricting. Some things never seem to change.


Even with possible fudging, the Census Bureau’s latest interim report shows that Blue states are losing population while Red states are gaining population.

Increasing by 470,708 people since July 2021, Texas was the largest-gaining state in the nation, reaching a total population of 30,029,572. By crossing the 30-million-population threshold this past year, Texas joins California as the only states with a resident population above 30 million.

As in the old divide between Communist East Germany and the free West Germany created by Konrad Adenauer after World War II, people migrate towards freedom. In the wake of the great Wuhan Pandemic lockdowns, it is no surprise that more people chose to move. Unlike Germany, there is no wall to prevent internal migration within the United States toward freer states.

The South is now the largest population area in the U.S. The Northeast and Midwest lost population “due to negative net domestic migration.”

“Florida was the fastest-growing state in 2022, with an annual population increase of 1.9%, resulting in a total resident population of 22,244,823,” adding about half a million new residents, mostly from internal migration.


“While Florida has often been among the largest-gaining states,” Kristie Wilder, a bureau demographer, said, “this was the first time since 1957 that Florida has been the state with the largest percent increase in population.”

“It was also the second largest-gaining state behind Texas,” according to the bureau.

“New York had the largest annual numeric and percent population decline, decreasing by 180,341 (-0.9%). Net domestic migration (-299,557) was the largest contributing component to the state’s population decline.”

Related: There Was a Huge ‘Mistake’ in the 2020 Census… Guess Which Party It Favored?

New York was one of 18 states declining in population in 2022. California and Illinois “also had six-figure decreases in resident population. Both states’ declining populations were largely due to net domestic outmigration, totaling 343,230 and 141,656, respectively,” the report said.

Both Red and Blue states appear to be doubling down on their governing strategies. Red states are increasing job opportunities, while Blue states look increasingly to the federal government to bail them out of the mess caused by fleeing taxpayers. This is why getting the numbers right will ensure citizens have a fair representation in Washington, D.C., going forward. Republicans need to expose the problem and act quickly before more left-leaning government math disenfranchises more people.



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