Dems, Others Plot 'Resistance' to Election Outcome

Allons, enfants!

Even without the tops of their numbskulls, which blew off on election night and have never been seen again, the Left, assorted #neverTrumpumpkins, and other fantasists have decide to form a “Resistance” to the incoming administration, on the grounds that… that… that… but let ace reporter and self-described “hack” Glenn Thrush explain it all for you:


After most campaigns the combatants share cocktails and swap war stories — but the bitter 2016 battle for the White House is turning into a forever war with Hillary Clinton’s tormented team vowing a four-year insurgency against Donald Trump.

There are no consolation prizes from a loss as humbling and catastrophic as the heavily-favored Clinton suffered on Nov. 8. But for her aides, there is a measure of liberation, freedom from the constraints of having to defend their flawed, awkward front-runner and adopt the hell-to-pay role of insurgents.

Since her defeat, Clinton has been wandering, with a tranquility that eluded her as a politician, in and out of strangers’ Instagram accounts in bookstores and doggie walks in the woods near her Westchester manse. But in the meanwhile people in her orbit — enraged by the victory of a campaign they view as beneath contempt and a president-elect they view as a disgrace — are plotting an anti-Trump resistance and venting with a fury they never could have expressed in the service of their hyper-cautious candidate.

Let’s leave aside Politico‘s characterization of Madame Defarge — the woman who called half of America “deplorable” and “irredeemable” — as “hyper-cautious.” The truth is, the Dowager Empress of Chappaqua simply wasn’t fiery enough for the dead-enders, poor deluded creatures who thought their moment had come and were hell-bent to finish off conservatives once and for all. My, how times have changed:


In Washington winning is everything — but it’s not permanent. And Clinton’s vast network of supporters, staffers and operatives is now looking for a way to fight back — without their standard-bearer — modeled on the resistance movement organized by the GOP in the wake of President Barack Obama’s victory in 2008, the Republicans’ “Party of No” period.

Clinton allies like David Brock have been actively recruiting Democratic donors to fund an anti-Trump movement modeled on the armada of organizations that sued, flacked, opposition-researched and insulted Clinton into a 55 percent disapproval rating. Trump is already there, but Brock and other Democratic operatives are contemplating a Freedom of Information Act barrage against the president-elect comparable to the one undertaken against Clinton by the conservative group Judicial Watch. Other left-leaning groups, including the Center for American Progress, are looking into ways of holding Trump accountable for his job-creating campaign promises — possibly by disseminating reports on the president’s record directly to voters and media into swing states like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan that swung surprisingly to Trump.

“We’re going to throw everything at him that he threw at us,” said one longtime Democratic operative active in the effort.

Well, be our guest. The Left has no idea what’s coming as the Trump administration gradually dismantles every one of its precious but unconstitutional programs. Further, progressives’ own flocking proclivities are now working against them, as they’re holed up on the coasts, with a rump cadre left in a Midwest that’s finally waking up to their lies. And if they think they’re going to get rid of the Electoral College any time soon, they’ve got another thing coming.


By the time Trump and his team get through with them, their plight will make Berlin in 1945 look like a day at the Starnberger See. A little chin music, if you please, maestro:





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