Kasich Tells Voter He's a Good Middle Ground Between Hillary and Bernie

(AP Photo/Sean Rayford)

He was kidding…OR WAS HE?

A possibly very confused voter at a John Kasich town hall in Windham, New Hampshire, wanted to know why she should vote for the Ohio governor in the “Democratic primary” — and Kasich, a Republican, didn’t correct her. The question did not seem to be a slip of the tongue, either: The voter said she was having a hard time deciding between Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and John Kasich in the “Democratic primary” and wanted to know why Kasich should have her vote.

“Isn’t that interesting,” Kasich said as the crowd around her gasped. However, without mentioning his political allegiance or correcting the voter, Kasich went on to position himself as a good compromise between Sanders and Clinton saying, “One of them’s too hot, one of them’s too cold, but I’ve got the right temperature.”


It’s easy to understand the voter’s confusion. She’s probably heard Kasich’s spiel about his Medicaid/Obamacare expansion, which sounds like boilerplate Dem spin. Maybe she heard him bragging about his endorsement from the New York Times. Whatever it was, there’s a lot for a moderate Democrat to like about Capt. O-H-I-O. If he ever switches parties it won’t take him long to get acclimated.

Here’s the video of the exchange:


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