CNN: O'Donnell 'Arrogant' For Praying Over Campaign

Newsbusters’ Erin Brown spots this classic moment on the low-rated leftwing cable opinion channel (no, the other one):

Conservative Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell (R), a popular target of the mainstream media, was questioned on CNN’s “American Morning” for her statements about faith and prayer in her interview with Christian Broadcasting Network White House Correspondent David Brody. The Christian candidate cited prayer as playing a central role in her campaign, and her comments drew raised eyebrows over at CNN.

“For some people, they think this seems so arrogant, to pray to win a senate race, um, but how is it viewed in the evangelical community?” anchor Kiran Chetry asked Brody.


Wow, wait’ll Chetry hears about Obama and Rev. Wright.

Oh right, this is CNN; scratch that idea!


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