Baffling on Bipartisanship? Obama Couldn't be Easier to Understand

Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics has an interesting item titled “How Obama Baffles on Bipartisanship,” which unfortunately begins and ends with two otherwise unsupportable propositions:


Like many in the GOP, Senator Lamar Alexander is baffled as to how a President who is generally regarded by members as nice, amiable, and a likable person can be so clueless and tone deaf when it comes to the actual process of bipartisanship:

* * *

It appears that, regardless of the outcome in November, if Republicans are expecting President Obama to change his political behavior or to chart a more sincerely bipartisan course after November, they’re going to be sadly mistaken.

Obama emerged on the national scene from the far left of his party in 2004-2006. Prior to that, there was his background in the corrupt Daley machine of Chicago politics, his friendship with former terrorist Bill Ayers, his long association with Rev. Wright, a demog0ging racialist of the worst order and self-admitted Communist admirer. After all of that, and Obama’s “Bitter Clingers” crack in 2008 and talk of bankrupting whole industries, is there anybody in politics to the right of MSNBC, outside of the Brooks/Noonan/Chris Buckley elite Northeast Corridor pundit class, who ended 2008 thinking of the president-elect as a “nice, amiable, and a likable person [and yet ] so clueless and tone deaf when it comes to the actual process of bipartisanship?”


If professional politicians or the pundits who follow it couldn’t put two and two together (and not the get Ingsoc-permitted answer of five), then it’s not the president who’s clueless, at least on this issue. He’s leading the blunt edge of a century-old far left “progressive” agenda, he looks down his nose at just about anybody to the right of MSNBC, and he’s not afraid to admit it.

Which means, pace Bevan’s comments at the end of his essay, hopefully, at this point, no Republicans in power are expecting any sort of Clintonian half-steps to the right from the White House, however many seats the GOP captures in Congress this November.


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